A lot of changes are on the horizon in Teamfight Tactics. These are the most important ones to know before loading up a game after Patch 13.19 drops!
Coming soon to Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 9.5 is the first big patch after the new set launch. While players have experienced the Bilgewater era and are currently in Cho'Gath's reign of terror, upcoming balance changes aim for a healthier game state. Set 9.5 TFT patch 13.19 will go live on Sept. 27 at around 6 a.m. PT.
TFT patch 13.19 goals
The goal of the patch, according to TFT senior game designer Kent "Kentwuhoo" Wu, was mainly to buff things that are not currently doing well. Additional goals of importance were to bring down some of the overtuned parts of the meta, namely to balance Ornn artifacts and legend augments to be more in line with expectations. Due to legend augments being a guaranteed fallback for players, they should be on the weaker side of things as the "safe" augment option.
Below are the notable changes of the patch to look out for. For the full breakdown of the patch, including the changes not listed below, click here.

Trait changes in patch 13.19
Bastion buff
- Armor and Magic Resistance increased from 20/40/65/125 to 20/45/75/140
Bilgewater buff
- Flat Damage increased from 90/125/300/650 to 100/150/325/800
- % Damage Amplification increased from 30/50/65/150% to 33/55/70/135%
- 9 Bilgewater is still a net buff when combining the Flat Damage buff and % Damage Amp nerf
Demacia buff
- Armor and Magic Resistance increased from 5/15/35/150 to 5/25/45/150
Piltover nerf
- Reduced the value of Piltover cashouts in 2 to 10-loss by about 15%
- Reduced the value of Piltover cashouts in 11 and 12-loss by about 10%
Rogue nerf
- Stealth threshold reduced from 50% to 35%
The intention of this change is a nerf as the idea is rogues will be much more vulnerable to damage after activating their rogue dash.
Shurima buff
- Ascension Bonus increased from 0/15/40/75% to 0/20/50/90%
Vanquisher buff
- Bonus Crit Rate increased from 15/35/55% to 15/35/75%
- Bonus Crit Damage increased from 10/30/50% to 15/35/55%
Champion changes in patch 13.19

Cho'Gath nerf
- Spell HP Damage Ratio reduced from 15% to 12%
Milio buff
- Bounce Damage increased from 170/250/380 to 180/270/400
- Splash Damage increased from 85/125/190 to 90/140/200
Jinx nerf
- Base AD reduced from 55 to 50
Darius buff
- Base AD increased from 60 to 65
Jayce nerf
- Base AD reduced from 65 to 60
Neeko buff
- Shield increased from 225/350/475 to 250/350/475
- Spell Damage increased from 270/410/650 to 300/450/700
Rek'sai buff
- Starting mana increased from 30/75 to 50/75
- Addition to ability: Marks enemies she bites. If an enemy has been previously marked, her bite deals bonus true damage with a ratio of 135/145/150% AD.
Fiora change
- Physical Spell damage reduced from 150/150/250% to 140/140/240%
According to data, Fiora is relatively balanced in the current game state. However, it is understood by the balance and design team that she can be frustrating to play against. Changes to her kit are being thought about to combat this feeling, but for now, this is all she will undergo for the next patch.
Jarvan IV nerf
- Spell stun duration reduced from 1.75/2.25/8 to 1.5/2/8 seconds
Nasus nerf
- Spell HP% steal reduced from 5% to 4%
Nilah change
- Will more consistently find targets to hit with Rapid Fire Cannon
- Will less consistently hit backline with Rapid Fire Cannon
Nilah should become less reliant on Rapid Fire Cannon and fill her role better as an offtank/carry.
Silco nerf
- Spell Damage reduced from 80/120/425 to 75/115/425
Xayah buff
- Max mana reduced from 30/110 to 30/95
- Amount of feathers increased from 7/7/12 to 7/7/15
- Spell AD% increased from 80% to 80/80/125%
While it looks like only 3-star Xayah was significantly buffed, Xayah started to perform better as the patch played out. The slight mana buff along with the Vanquisher trait buff may be just enough to make her a staple carry in the next patch.

Aatrox nerf
- Darkin omnivamp reduced from 15% to 10%
Gangplank buff
- Attack speed increased from 0.8 to 0.85
- Ranged mana on-hit increased from 3 to 5
- Melee burn duration reduced from 3 to 2 seconds
- Burn AD% reduced from 300/300/2500% to 250/250/2500%
For clarification, Gangplank's melee burn is a net-buff. Targets will be burned for more damage per second, and the burn will be refreshed upon Gangplank damage.
Related articles
Ixtal Ryze buff
- Spell stun duration increased from 2/2/10 to 2/2.5/10 seconds
- Spell Armor and Magic Resistance increased from 185/285/1500% to 200/300/1500%
Heimerdinger's fifth turret upgrade
There will be a new purchasable turret upgrade that can turn Heimerdinger into a carry. The details are below thanks to lead designer Stephen "Mortdog" Mortimer's social media.
Item changes in patch 13.19
Craftable items
Adaptive Helm nerf
- Backline AP bonus reduced from 20 to 15
Anima Visage nerf
- HP reduced from 500 to 450
Goldmancer's Staff buff
- AP increased from 25 to 30
Hullcrusher nerf
- Bonus HP reduced from 600 to 550
Manazane nerf
- AP reduced from 15 to 10
- Mana reduced from 30 to 15
Sniper's Focus nerf
- Damage per hex reduced from 10% to 8%
Zhonya's Hourglass nerf
- AP reduced from 50 to 45
There are plenty of other item changes in this patch, but these are the most important ones to be mindful of. To see the rest, check out the full notes here.

Augment changes in TFT patch 13.19
As mentioned before, augments that are tailored through a legend should be slightly weaker as they're a guaranteed option. This is especially the case on 3-2 and 4-2. This design philosophy is reflected in nerfs to Ezreal, Lee Sin, Ornn, Master Yi, Pengu, Twisted Fate, and Urf augments.
Ezreal and Urf
Tiny Grab Bag (3-2 Silver Augment)
- Gold granted reduced from 4 to 2
Big Grab Bag (3-2 Gold Augment)
- Gold granted reduced from 8 to 1
Giant Grab Bag (3-2 Prismatic Augment)
- Gold granted reduced from 10 to 4
Ezreal Only
Well-Earned Comforts III (4-2 Prismatic Augment)
- Attack speed per item equipped reduced from 8% to 6%
Lee Sin
Training Reward I (3-2 Silver Augment)
- Gold granted reduced from 7 to 5
Training Reward II (3-2 Gold Augment)
- Gold granted reduced from 15 to 12
Small Forge (3-2 Silver Augment)
- Gold granted reduced from 4 to 2
Medium Forge (3-2 Gold Augment)
- Gold reduced from 6 to 1
Job's Done (4-2 Silver Augment)
- Items granted changed from 2 component anvils to 1 component anvil and 1 random component
Job's Well Done (4-2 Gold Augment)
- Items granted changed from 1 completed item anvil and 1 component anvil to 1 completed item anvil and 1 random component
Master Yi
Gotta Go Fast II (4-2 Gold Augment)
- Mana gain reduced from 25% to 20%
Gotta Go Fast III (4-2 Prismatic Augment)
- Mana gain reduced from 35% to 30%
Pengu and Twisted Fate
Item Grab Bag II (3-2 Gold Augment)
- Gold granted reduced from 5 to 1
Item Grab Bag III (3-2 Prismatic Augment)
- Gold granted reduced from 8 to 2
Compositions that excel with a bastion frontline will likely find their way into the meta. Additionally, with nerfs to a lot of the stronger legend options, it is possible that Poro may be the strongest legend for flexible gameplay. Some might argue that this should be the goal of legend design and TFT balance.
Are you excited for the next patch of TFT Set 9.5?
That's all for now. Stay tuned on esports.gg for more news, guides, and updates.