Second Street Fighter 6 closed beta test confirmed for December

Street Fighter 6 is getting another closed beta test in December, but will anyone manage to score a golden ticket for the much anticipated fighter? Let’s take a look.

A new and much sought-after closed Street Fighter 6 December beta test is coming according to a new email from publisher Capcom. A social media post by FGC commentator Saint Cola of Panda and a post from Capcom confirmed that a second test is on the way, with a run date of December 16 to 19. A beta application page from Capcom is also now live, coming with a number of caveats and restrictions for the short and highly sought-after beta test.

The first closed beta test that ran earlier in the year came with controversy, as limited spots in the beta and a short registration time left many fans and pro players out in the cold. This time around Capcom is giving the rules and limits of the beta up front, which reads as follows:

Street Fighter 6 closed December beta application rules

  • - Those who participated in the 1st Closed Beta Test will be able to continue playing in the 2nd Closed Beta Test. There is no need to apply again.
  • - Selection via lottery and not on a first-come, first-served basis. If you cannot access the application page, please try again later.
  • - Prohibited to transfer, purchase, sell or lend the Closed Beta Test software or access to others.
  • - Prohibited to mod or analyze the software used in the Closed Beta Test.
  • - Application for the test requires that you have a registered CAPCOM ID, and that it is linked with your platform account.
  • - If you encounter an error while applying, please wait and try again at a later time.

Check the YouTube announcement from from Capcom down below.

This limited spot beta comes with a warning on its nature from Capcom, seen below:

The aim of the Closed Beta Test is for us to monitor the play experience of participants, identify any potential issues, and then address them in order to improve the quality of the game.

As such, it is possible that errors may occur during the test that cause the game to freeze or close during gameplay.

The test sessions will use a version of the game still in development. As a result, we cannot guarantee a smooth gameplay experience. Please bear all of this in mind when taking part in the test.

Well... Best of luck. If you didn't get in the first time then may the odds ever be in your favor. Until then keep an eye out on any and all Street Fighter 6 closed beta news in December and beyond.