Life’s easier now for streamers and their mods.

Twitch has unveiled new moderation features that give streamers more control over their channels. There’s now more transparency for Twitch user bans and it will also allow other viewers to know what kind of behavior to avoid.

New moderation tools for user bans

Previously, streamers could ban unruly users from their stream. The users would then have to submit an unban request, upon which the streamer would review their requests. For big streamers, this would also mean streamers would have to review their mod team’s decision. The new feature allows streamers to show their viewers the exact reason for a ban. 

Streamers can now opt to share their channel’s mod comments with channels they’re sharing ban info with, providing extra context on why they banned certain users. 

Twitch on new user ban features

There are multiple benefits of this feature. Firstly for big streamers, it should potentially reduce the number of incoming requests. Alternatively, it would also highlight (if the streamer chooses to) the reason to the rest of the viewers. They would thereby know what kind of conduct is unwelcome in the particular stream. 

Shield Mode in Mod view

Another update is the induction of the Shield mode in the Mod view. 

Shield Mode is now integrated into Mod View, making it easier for streamers and mods to moderate their channel from one place.

Shield Mode can mass ban and block trolls from your stream for using a word that you have banned, meaning no more individual click and ban.

Moderators can activate and deactivate Shield mode using the following command

  • Turn on Shield mode: /shield
  • Turn off Shield mode: /shieldoff

The new update allows streamers to moderate their channel from one place. They no longer have to navigate to multiple chats to moderate their stream.

Stay tuned to for the latest streamer news and updates.