Here are the details and live updates following 200 Twitch streamers competing in the Twitch Rivals Minecraft competition Squid Craft 2.
Twitch Rivals Squid Craft 2 is here after months in the making. It will soon bring together two hundred streamers to compete in a series of survival games in the world of Minecraft. The sole winner will take home a total of $100,000 USD. Squid Craft 2 is the second edition since its debut in early 2022. This time, we will be seeing the Spanish competition joined by non-Spanish streamers like Pokimane, xQc, Dream, and Amouranth.
UPDATE: Sapnap has won the Squid Craft 2!

The Minecraft competition will mimic the world of the Netflix show Squid Game. This year's Squid Craft will have more exciting new game inspirations. Throughout the competition, new games will be announced and players will be eliminated.
Squid Craft 2 will start from Feb. 28 until March 5. It will be live on every participant's Twitch channel at 6 p.m. GMT. We will be following the progress of Squid Craft 2 so don't forget to bookmark this page!
Episode 1 - Un Día de Serte ( A Lucky Day)✅
Date: Feb. 28, 2023
Game#1: Pamplona
Game Instruction
Players will be running from the bulls across an obstacle course. The ones that are reached by a bull will be eliminated from the series. The players that cross the ending line without getting caught will pass this round.
Players Eliminated
13 players - jhdelacruz777, neekolulz, Darizard9, ElviraYuki, angievelasco, mirandaibanez, MaferRocha, Outconsumer, karchez, ZellenDust, sirolopez56, Kidi, Loserfruit, Lenay
Players Left: 186 players
Game#2: Juguemos en el Bosque(Let's Play in the Forest)
Game Instruction
Players will need to sing "Let's Play in the Forest" until the light from the nearby house turns green. Once the light turns green, a wolf will appear and will start hunting the participants. If you get caught by the wolf, you will be eliminated. The players that managed to not be caught by the wolf will pass this round.
Players Eliminated
17 players - Alanalarana, LITKillah, Luzu, Brunenger, Germisse, Amouranth, NefariusAP, Ibai, llunaclark, DUXORETHEY, patodeaqualand, ipandarina, amablitz, manutegaming, MenosTrece, Hasvik, Filisgg
Players Left: 169 players
Episode 2 - Sigan las Instrucciones (Follow the Instructions)✅
Date: March 1, 2023
Game#3: Simon Dice (Simon Says)
Game Instruction
You must follow the instructions after listening to Simon Says. The last person to complete Simon's instruction will be eliminated. Everyone else who completes the Simon Says will pass the round.
Players Eliminated
15 players - Suzyroxx, SLAKUN 10, HITBOXKING, Mizterfilip, Spursito, staryuukii, MYMTUMTUM69, xlightmoonx, deargia, Sekiam, ADN_QC, VioletaG, Kajalnapalm, paracetamor, AlecoMeco
*deargia, MYMTUMTUM69, Spursito and Suzyroxx has been revived due to their death being classified as a bug.
Players Left: 154 players
Game#4: Colas Salvajes (Crazy Tails)
Game Instruction
All players run around the map fighting to snatch a "tail". If another player manages to steal your tail, you have to find another one in the map, or you can steal it from another player. Players who do not have a "tail" at the end of the time will be eliminated. All players who manage to keep their tails when the time is up will pass the round.
Players Eliminated
30 players - Rivers_gg, RobertoCein, SherezadeMR, Maaylen, BudCat, TinaKitten, BorjaPavon, Kamet0, aroyitt, Alexby11, Amph, elded, Karljacobs, Unicornio, MissaSinfonia, Goes_x, Espe, Edurnity, bSweetyB, SugusSusana, Paulettee, ElChurches, BENIJU03, FolagorLives, xxxthefocusxxx, Cherenkekoo, FapParaMoar, Rioboo, vickypalami, 8cho, xQc
*xQc has been revived due to his death being classified as a bug.
Players Left: 124 players
Episode 3 - Caíste (Gotcha)✅
Date: March 2, 2023
*Five players have been revived due to their death in Day 2 being classified as a bug which are xQc, deargia, MYMTUMTUM69, Spursito and Suzyroxx. The third day starts with 128 players.
*IlloJuan and nilojeda has been eliminated before the episode has started.
Game#5: Noche Libre (Free Night)
Game Instruction
The game will start when the lights are turned off. The game consists of a FFA PvP where players that are killed will be eliminated from the series.
Players Eliminated
14 players - skain, Werlyb, Gemita, Carola, elxokas, Nissaxter, AlecHernandezC, Dream, noe9977, Spursito, ZilverK, knekro, TheGrefg, tense198_v2
Players Left: 112 players
Game#6: Huevo de Pascua (Easter Egg)
Game Instruction
The game requires players to separate into four groups. They have to choose a door with different shapes and have to line up in front of the door. The groups will then be divided into two sub groups. Four simultaneous games will be played, where all the teams will try to find the largest number of Easter eggs and place it in their own bases. Teams that has the least amount of points will be eliminated from the series.
Players Eliminated
56 players - TheDaarick28, ILocochon, ReventXz, JuanSGuarnizo, Moyorz87, Caprimint, xQc, Rubius, ElFedelobo, mattkeelan, sylveey, Tubbo, E_MasterSensei, MYM_ALKAPONE, latesitoo, Perxitaa, Tfue, Foolish_Gamers, Vicens, MrKeroro10, Manucraft, TheDonatoYoutube, MYMTUMTUM69, Ampeterby7, Reborn_Live, pollito_senpai, Pujidos_90, Nuvia_OuO, AdcShiiro, auroplay, Agustin51, imantado, QuackityToo, Jelty, tvandeR, natalan, Eskimalito, goncho, ElZeein, RenRize, FarfadoxVEVO, IamChristinini, CapitanGatoo, NimuVT, ElMariana, DylanteroLIVE, gtv_genesis, Emikukis, Robleis, DessT3, GermanGarmendia, Tanizen, brianeitor2002, D3stri, sofia_anyway, ElSpreen
Players Left: 56 players
Players Left: 56 players
008. AriGameplays
009. Rodezel
013. BarcaGamer
018. AXoZer
021. PipePunk
022. Zeling
024. Wardsess
025. BoffeGP
026. Luh
027. Betra
034. xCry
037. Crisgreen
038. Carreraaa
039. BersGamer
042. MAAU
044. ZormanWorld
045. ElRichMC
048. Wefere
050. Roier
051. SoyPan
054. OllieGamerz
058. Suzyroxx
075. CooLifeGame
086. LakshartNia
090. Delt4Forc3
096. Conterstine
097. LarryCabirria
102. Silithur
105. Nephtunie
106. Shadoune666
110. Bobicraftmc
117. josecristo_
121. MoxWDF
127. AgenteMaxo
131. MariusOptimus
136. DeqiuV
139. josepo_90
147. ernesBarbeQ
152. Sarinha_3
165. Rapturrs
167. jcorko_
168. Noni
169. Ricoy
170. deargia
171. biyin_
175. Komanche
176. kenaivsouza
182. Mictia00
187. GeorgeNotFound
188. Sapnap
189. hannahxxrose
195. elyas360
199. Pelicanger
200. Dlffrent
Episode 4 - Boom✅
Date: March 3, 2023
One half of yesterday's blue team in the Easter Egg game has been resurrected into the Squid Craft. This is because the difference between the blue versus yellow team was very little compared to the other matches. All eleven players will play the Crazy Tails and the winners will be given the chance to continue the game. The players in the bonus game are natalan, Jelty, CapitanGatoo, FarfadoxVEVO, ElSpreen, Eskimalito, tvandeR, RenRize, Moyorz87, ElZeein, and goncho.
Rubius, IamChristinini and Quackity will not be joining in the bonus game.
Related articles
Bonus Game: Crazy Tails Resurrection
Game Instruction: All players run around the map fighting to snatch a "tail". Players who do not have a "tail" at the end of the time will be eliminated. There will be only four winners.
Players Eliminated: natalan, Eskimalito, tvandeR, RenRize, Moyorz87, ElZeein, goncho
Players Left: 60 players
Game#7: 3 Monos Sabios (Three Wise Monkeys)
Game Instruction
Obstacle course where each player will have a disadvantage. 1st player can't see, 2nd player can't listen and 3rd players can't speak. They will have to solve puzzles and the roles will take turns. Teams that don't finish the course by the time the player limit is reached will be eliminated.
Players Eliminated
12 players - Carreraaa, deargia, Zeling, PUVLOO, LarryCabirria, Mictia00, MoxWDF, ElSpreen, Komanche, Pelicanger, MAAU, Nephtunie
Players Left: 48 players
Game#8: 3 Los Globos (Balloons)
Game Instruction
Players will be sitting with a balloon tied to their backs. An arrow will point to a player that has to answer a question. The longer they take to answer, the more the balloon will inflate. If a player doesn't answer in time, the balloon will pop and they will be eliminated.
Players Eliminated
8 players - josecristo_, LakshartNia, AgenteMaxo, Dlffrent, Wardsess, Sarinha_3, Bobicraftmc, Delt4Forc3
Players left: 40 players
Players Left: 40 players
008. AriGameplays
009. Rodezel
013. BarcaGamer
018. AXoZer
021. PipePunk
025. BoffeGP
026. Luh
027. Betra
034. xCry
037. Crisgreen
039. BersGamer
044. ZormanWorld
045. ElRichMC
048. Wefere
050. Roier
051. SoyPan
054. OllieGamerz
058. Suzyroxx
075. CooLifeGame
096. Conterstine
102. Silithur
106. Shadoune666
131. MariusOptimus
132. Jelty
136. DeqiuV
139. josepo_90
147. ernesBarbeQ
148. CapitanGatoo
150. FarfadoxVEVO
165. Rapturrs
167. jcorko_
168. Noni
169. Ricoy
171. biyin_
176. kenaivsouza
187. GeorgeNotFound
188. Sapnap
189. hannahxxrose
195. elyas360
Episode 5 - El Elegido (The Chosen One)✅
Date: March 4, 2023
Deargia is revived back into the game in replacement of ernesBarbeQ.
Game#9: Ahorcado (Hangman)
Game Instruction
A team of five will obtain points when they guess the word correctly. One team member will be drawing and the others will be guessing. Roles will be changing every time they answer correctly. Two teams with the lesser points will be eliminated.
If you guess a correct letter, you will get one point. Guessing a wrong letter will result in one point deduction. Cheating in the game will result in ten points deduction.
Players Eliminated
10 players - ElRichMC, FarfadoxVEVO, Luh, Ricoy, Silithur, josepo_90, jcorko_, xCry, PipePunk, AriGameplays
Players Left: 30 players
Game#10: Via Lactea (Milky Way)
Game Instruction
Teams of duo are required to fill a bucket with milk and carry it to the end of an obstacle course with a wheelbarrow to fill another bowl. The first 10 teams that manages to fill up the bowl will pass the round. The last 5 teams will be eliminated.
Players Eliminated
10 players - Suzyroxx, hannahxxrose, CooLifeGame, ZormanWorld, biyin_, BersGamer, Wefere, elyas360, kenaivsouza, AXoZer
Players Left: 20 players
Players Left: 20 players
009. Rodezel
013. BarcaGamer
025. BoffeGP
027. Betra
037. Crisgreen
050. Roier
051. SoyPan
054. OllieGamerz
096. Conterstine
071. aldo_geo
106. Shadoune666
131. MariusOptimus
132. Jelty
136. DeqiuV
148. CapitanGatoo
165. Rapturrs
168. Noni
170. deargia
187. GeorgeNotFound
188. Sapnap
Episode 6 - Mientras el Mundo se Derrumba (As the World Falls Apart)✅
Date: March 5, 2023
Game#11: En Base (On Base)
Game Instruction
The map will feature several luminous tiles. Players must be constantly moving while the music is playing. Once the music stops, those that are not on a lighted up tile will be eliminated.
Players Eliminated
18 players - Noni, Rodezel, aldo_geo, OllieGamerz, DeqiuV, Crisgreen, deargia, MariusOptimus, Betra, BoffeGP, SoyPan, CapitanGatoo, Conterstine, Jelty, BarcaGamer, Rapturrs, Roier, GeorgeNotFound
Players Left: 2 players
106. Shadoune666
108. Sapnap
Game#12: Juego Final (End Game)
Game Instruction
The players must push each other outside of the drawing. If a situation arises, where one of the two finalist could no longer continue, the last one standing will win.
Players Eliminated
Winner: Sapnap
Where to watch the Twitch Rivals Squid Craft 2
You can watch the Squid Craft 2 on the official Twitch Rivals English channel and Spanish channel. The competition will also be broadcasted by all two hundred streamers on their personal Twitch channels. Here is the list of all Squid Craft 2 participants and their Twitch channels.
UPDATE: Auronplay joins the Squid Craft 2. A few players like Pokimane and moistcritikal will not be joining the game.
*The list below has been updated.
Player 1 - 50
001. E_MasterSensei (e)
002. Edurnity (e)
003. Mirandaibanez (e)
004. Patoaqualand (e)
005. Mizterfilip (e)
006. SherezadeMR (e)
007. Carola (e)
008. AriGameplays (e)
009. Rodezel (e)
010. MissaSinfonia (e)
011. AlecHernandezC (e)
012. RobertoCein (e)
013. BarcaGamer (e)
014. ElSpreen (e)
015. Alanalarana (e)
016. elded (e)
017. Sekiam (e)
018. AXoZer (e)
019. Rioboo (e)
020. Hasvik (e)
021. PipePunk (e)
022. Zeling (e)
023. NimuVT (e)
024. Wardsess (e)
025. BoffeGP (e)
026. Luh (e)
027. Betra (e)
028. Nissaxter (e)
029. Robleis (e)
030. Tanizen (e)
031. MaferRocha (e)
032. Eskimalito (e)
033. ElChurches (e)
034. xCry (e)
035. Outconsumer (e)
036. tvandeR (e)
037. Crisgreen
038. Carreraaa (e)
039. BersGamer (e)
040. Ampeterby7 (e)
041. Filisgg (e)
042. MAAU (e)
043. ILocochon (e)
044. ZormanWorld (e)
045. ElRichMC (e)
046. GermanGarmendia (e)
047. D3stri (e)
048. Wefere (e)
049. Manucraft (e)
050. Roier (e)
Player 51 - 100
051. SoyPan (e)
052. RenRize (e)
053. xxxthefocusxxx (e)
054. OllieGamerz (e)
055. llunaclark (e)
056. Luzu (e)
057. Nuvia_OuO (e)
058. Suzyroxx (e)
059. latesitoo (e)
060. Caprimint (e)
061. Perxitaa (e)
062. noe9977 (e)
063. VioletaG (e)
064. Reborn_Live (e)
065. aroyitt (e)
066. Spursito (e)
067. MYMTUMTUM69 (e)
068. amablitz (e)
069. SugusSusana (e)
070. elxokas (e)
071. aldo_geo (e)
072. Unicornio (e)
073. paracetamor (e)
074. srcheeto
(withdrew and replaced by mattkeelan) (e)
075. CooLifeGame (e)
076. ReventXz (e)
077. Pujidos_90 (e)
078. Agustin51 (e)
079. gtv_genesis (e)
080. Rivers_gg (e)
081. LITkillah (e)
082. ZilverK (e)
083. Kajalnapalm (e)
084. Vicens (e)
085. sofia_anyway (e)
086. LakshartNia (e)
087. littleragergirl
(withdrew and replaced by AdcShiiro) (e)
088. Moyorz87 (e)
089. RocioDTA
(withdrew and replaced by tense198_v2) (e)
090. Delt4Forc3 (e)
091. Staryuuki (e)
092. manutegaming (e)
093. xlightmoonx (e)
094. natalan (e)
095. ElZeein (e)
096. Conterstine (e)
097. LarryCabirria (e)
098. ElMariana (e)
099. brianeitor2002 (e)
100. vickypalami (e)
Player 101 - 150
102. Silithur (e)
103. Paulettee (e)
104. Lenay (e)
105. Nephtunie (e)
106. Shadoune666 (e)
107. AlecoMeco (e)
108. bSweetyB (e)
109. FapParaMoar (e)
110. Bobicraftmc (e)
111. champi14
(withdrew and replaced by skain) (e)
112. karljacobs (e)
113. PUVLOO (e)
114. MrKeroro10 (e)
115. Werlyb (e)
116. Maaylen (e)
117. josecristo_ (e)
118. karchez (e)
119. Amph (e)
120. Goes_x (e)
121. MoxWDF (e)
122. Germisse (e)
124. byViruZz
(withdrew and replaced by BorjaPavon) (e)
125. ZellenDust (e)
126. ipandarina (e)
127. AgenteMaxo (e)
128. sirolopez56 (e)
129. Kidi (e)
130. Espe (e)
131. MariusOptimus (e)
132. Jelty (e)
133. Gemita (e)
134. ADN_QC (e)
135. TheGrefg (e)
136. DeqiuV (e)
137. QuackityToo (e)
138. Emikukis (e)
139. josepo_90 (e)
140. BudCat (e)
141. DylanteroLIVE (e)
142. nilojeda (e)
143. imantado (e)
144. IamCristinini (e)
145. MenosTrece (e)
146. pollito_senpai (e)
147. ernesBarbeQ (e)
148. Leviathan
(withdrew and replaced by CapitanGatoo) (e)
149. IlloJuan (e)
150. FarfadoxVEVO (e)
Player 151 - 200
151. DessT3 (e)
152. Sarinha_3 (e)
153. ElFedelobo (e)
154. goncho (e)
155. TheDaarick28 (e)
156. jhdelacruz777 (e)
157. knekro (e)
158. 8cho (e)
160. Brunenger (e)
161. FolagorLives (e)
162. Neekolulz (e)
163. CH14
(withdrew and replaced by Kamet0) (e)
164. JuanSGuarnizo (e)
165. Rapturrs
166. Alexby11 (e)
167. jcorko_ (e)
168. Noni (e)
169. Ricoy (e)
170. deargia
171. biyin_ (e)
172. Ibai (e)
173. auroplay (e)
174. Rubius (e)
175. Komanche (e)
176. moistcr1tikal
(withdrew and replaced by kenaivsouza) (e)
177. xQc (e)
178. AMOURANTH (e)
179. Tubbo (e)
180. Tfue (e)
181. Foolish_Gamers (e)
182. Mictia00 (e)
183. TinaKitten (e)
184. Loserfruit (e)
185. sylveey (e)
186. Dream (e)
187. GeorgeNotFound (e)
188. Sapnap (WINNER)
189. hannahxxrose (e)
190. Darizard9 (e)
191. pokimane
(withdrew and replaced by Cherenkekoo) (e)
192. SLAKUN10 (e)
193. PapiGaviTV
(withdrew and replaced by NefariusAP) (e)
194. BENIJU03 (e)
195. elyas360 (e)
196. ElviraYuki (e)
197. TheDonatoYoutube (e)
198. angievelasco08 (e)
199. Pelicanger (e)
200. Dlffrent (e)
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