More price rises on Twitch.

Twitch have announced that subs will be subject to another price increase. The increase, which impacts over 30 regions, including the United States, takes place from July 11.

Subscriptions have already increased in price in other locations, including the United Kingdom this year. This sub price increase was one of the first in the websites history, but with inflation sky high across a lot of the world it seems that price rises may be much more common place moving forward.

Twitch subscriptions to increase in price

These price increases will impact both purchased and gifted subs on Twitch, starting on July 11. In the United States, the price of a Twitch Subscription will increase by one dollar, from $4.99 to $5.99.

A subscription in New Zealand, another region to get a price rise, will now cost $8.99 NZD.

The previous round of subscription price increases only impacted Tier 1 subscriptions (outside of Turkey). Twitch haven't shared a lot of details about these rises, but it is seemingly only going to impact Tier 1 subscriptions for now.

Turbo, which also got a price rises recently, is not impacted.

Twitch asks for user feedback

In their social media posting announcing the changes, Twitch asked for feedback from users in their upcoming 'Patch Notes' forum on June 12th.

There is already a lot of feedback being shared on social media about the price rise. While no region has received price rises in both waves, there is frustration that twitch sub price increases seem to become a regular occurance.

Minecraft streamer Highkeyhateme was one of those to speak to this common complaint that prices are once again rising on Twitch. Other replies were asking why there are no clear benefits to the price rises either for streamers, or for viewers.

Subscription pricing and revenue sharing has been a hot and ongoing topic amongst the Twitch community in recent months. This latest price increase is likely to fuel that even further.

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