OBS Studio 29 brings with it some really incredible enhancements for those with high-end streaming PCs and dual PC setups.
Open Broadcast Software, better known as OBS, has released version 29.0.0, the latest update to its hugely popular streaming and recording software. With it comes a plethora of changes, quality-of-life improvements, and more.
The update was released on the project’s official Github on the evening of Jan. 8, with an accompanying post on Twitter. The update includes a number of great new features, including an expanded replay buffer memory limit, new audio filters, and video capture above 60 FPS.
OBS Studio 29

As mentioned above, the replay buffer’s memory limit is now set to 75% of installed system RAM rather than fixed to 8GB. This is a huge boost to both more high-end streaming PC’s, which regularly exceed 8GB of RAM, and dual PC streaming setups, where you can now take full advantage of a PC’s memory. In theory, this should also help prevent some issues with saving recorded videos and other errors surrounding replays.
Additionally, there are two new audio filters: An upward compressor, which helps normalize volume from being too quiet, and a three-band equalizer for fine-tuning. This is great for those audiophile streamers out there.
Finally, the biggest change for us has to be the fact Video Capture Device source has been updated to support frame rates above 60 FPS. This is incredible for game capture and dual PC setups. For example, if you’re using a Video Capture Device source setup to capture from a dual PC streaming setup, and the source PC’s game is playing at above 60FPS, you can now easily capture that. This could mean some incredibly high-quality streams in-coming in the near future.
For the full update details and credits on the work, check it out here.
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However, due to changes in how Display Capture sources work, all existing Display Captures will need to be re-selected when you install OBS 29. As a result, if you’re looking to quickly start your stream today, it might be best to just stick with your 28.1 or higher OBS release for the time being. But with the huge amounts of QoL improvements, it’s really a no-brainer that you should upgrade as soon as possible.