“There wasn’t a lot of opportunity for them. We felt like we were doing them a good service by bringing them into 100 Thieves,” said Nadeshot.

If you are someone who stays up to date with the esports and content creation industry, you probably are familiar with what is going on with the 100 Thieves controversy right now. With it starting out as a "he said, she said" type of situation, it has now unfolded to something much bigger.

Froste calls out 100 Thieves for poor treatment during the Mob house days

What started out as a simple tweet reminiscing on the good ole days, has now created one of the largest arguments in esports. Last night, former 100 Thieves member Froste took to Twitter to tweet about how he misses the Mob house.

The Mob house was a content-creating house that was owned by 100 Thieves, which was meant to help create some of the best and largest content creators out there. Froste was one of these creators.

What was a small tweet soon took a turn as Froste started to expose how he was treated amidst living within the Mob house.

"Remember when Tfue complained about Faze taking 80% of his sponsorship money? Try 95%," said Froste on Twitter when talking about 100 Thieves.

Froste responses directly called out Nadeshot and the rest of 100 Thieves for creating a harsh environment to live in when in Los Angeles because of their difficulty keeping money afloat.

Popular creator Nickmercs even responded to Froste's tweets.

Mercs has previously complained about 100 Thieves and how he was treated when he was on the team years ago.

Nadeshot fights back amidst Froste's comments

If you know Nadeshot and the rest of the 100 Thieves members, you know they will not accept any slander upon their names. Nadeshot made sure to fight back in this situation while doing it in a respectful manner.

The 100 Thieves owner took to the internet today to explain the situation that had unfolded.

"There wasn't a lot of opportunity for them. We felt like we were doing them a good service by bringing them into 100 Thieves," said Nadeshot.

"They have to pay rent," said Nadeshot when talking about the Mob house. "They have to find the home and they choose the $10,000 a month house."

This is all said after Nadeshot explains that each member of the Mob house was given $2,500 a month in payment on top of what they were making from their content.

Nadeshot continues to explain that each member worked their hardest to get them to where they were at and that 100 Thieves supported them in every way possible.

Throughout his live stream, Froste took to Twitter, claiming all of Nadeshot's comments to be lies.

Whether or not Nadeshot is lying or Froste is lying is still to be determined. Both creators have had multiple other people speak out on their behalf.

CourageJD speaks up for Nadeshot

When talking about 100 Thieves, you cannot leave out the man himself, CouRageJD. CouRage is the co-owner of 100 Thieves and an extremely popular content creator. The streamer had a few words to say about the situation.

"I take Froste’s attack on Matt’s character as an attack on my own as well as everyone at 100T for calling us predatory," CouRage said on Twitter.

He proceeded to post screenshots of his and Froste's texts from the past, showing the strong relationship they had.

Even BrookeAB had something to say on the matter.

Whether or not Froste is lying or telling the truth, it is a fact that creators are taken advantage of all the time. We can only hope that people start learning their worth.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest streamer news and updates.