MrBeast critical of U.S. healthcare system after helping 2,000 amputees with new prosthetics



Less than two years after helping 1,000 blind people see, MrBeast’s latest video sees him transform the lives of 2,000 amputees.

In his latest video, MrBeast helped 2,000 amputees walk again - something that deserves much praise. It is also not the first time has made a video about his own philanthrophy. Back in February 2023, he assisted 1,000 legally blind people see for the first time.

Walking is something most of us take for granted every day. But for millions of amputees all around the world, they don’t have the same luxury.


There are many reasons why people might lose a limb. It could be due to a motor accident or due to some illness. But what is common amongst all amputees is the sudden change in how they live their lives. Removing the ability to walk, and reducing mobility impacts every aspect of your life and for these amputees, MrBeast’s recent effort was a godsend. 

Most amputees can gain some mobility back by using prosthetic limbs. However, prosthetics are not cheap and it can be a very big financial burden on amputees to pay for them. With the reduced mobility, it becomes a Catch-22 situation where you need to work to pay for the prosthetics, but you also need a prosthetic to get to work.

Fifteen years of not Walking - to being able to walk

Stephanie in a dance after receiving the Prosthetic.
Stephanie in a dance after receiving the Prosthetic.

The video starts with a person named Stephanie, a right leg below the knee amputee. In the video, she says she hasn’t walked on her own since 2009, almost fifteen years. MrBeast helps her wear a new prosthetic leg, which allows her to walk a few steps - much to the amazement of her loved ones. She immediately hugs her father and they both end up shedding tears of joy. 

"I’m just glad that she’s going to be able to do things she wants to. She won’t be a prisoner anymore," one of her family members told the camera.

Other participants included a mix of right-leg and left-leg amputees. There were above-knee and below-knee amputees, all receiving prosthetic legs that would enable them to be mobile and active. MrBeast received help from Martin Bionics which is based in Oklahoma City. 

How much does a Prosthesis cost?

The typical prosthetic leg costs anywhere between $5,000 to $50,000. The majority of the individuals who appeared in the video could not afford the high insurance premiums. So MrBeast coming in to aid these amputees was a life-changing experience for most of the amputees.

“Best Day of my Life,” said one recipient “It feels so real. Like it’s a part of me,” said another.

Everything’s twice as hard as it used to be. I played Tennis all the time with the family. I’d be happy to just stand up and do the dishes.

Greg (Right leg below knee amputee)

For many of the 2,000 amputees, this video was a massive help that would allow them to live their lives as normal. Insurance denials hurt some, and others simply did not have enough insurance coverage to receive a prosthetic leg. There were several individual stories shared during the video and we highly recommend you give it a watch.

Travis joins his daughter down the aisle

Travis is a double amputee, having lost his legs several years ago in an accident. The former runner had an important event coming up, something that he simply wouldn’t be able to do sitting on a wheelchair. Walking his daughter down the aisle was very important and one of those big life events, you simply don’t want to miss out on. 

Thankfully, with MrBeast sponsoring two prosthetic legs for him, he was able to walk, and walk without much assistance right from the get-go. To top it all up, MrBeast also decided to cover all wedding expenses, something that was completely unexpected for the family. 

Why are Prosthetics so expensive?

Prosthetics require advanced technology, something that requires constant research and innovation. With stability being a high focus for prosthetic companies - to ensure safety of their users, they have little to no scope for error. Balancing stability with increased range of motion and mobility is a tough balance for most companies. 

There are companies that are trying to reduce costs by using recycled materials to help the underprivileged. A Guatamalan company, Range of Motion is helping out underprivileged amputees in South America. Amputees can donate their old prosthetic components by heading over to the website - - if they wish to help out others.

Who are Martin Bionics and what are Socket-less Sockets?

Martin Bionics produces Prosthetics and is a leader in research and innovation. Traditional sockets are often rigid and are designed based on the amputees' thigh size and shape. However, this means when the person loses or gains weight, the same rigid socket can be a misfit. Replacing sockets frequently can lead to a huge financial strain for people already under the burden of paying for the prosthetic leg. 

Martin Bionics advertises the Socket-less Socket which allows users to micro-adjust the size of their socket. This allows users to tighten or loosen the socket based on their comfort. They can also adjust the socket throughout the day - because the stumps change size based on the time of the day. Stumps usually see more swelling in the morning (after a night’s sleep) and they shrink slightly through the day. The lab claims this leads to significantly more wearable time throughout the day, by up to 30%. It also increases the range of motion and is more comfortable for users.