Time to discover Da Mystery of Chessboxin’ with Ludwig, Disguised Toast, Andrea Botez, and more!
On Sunday 11, 2022, YouTuber and streamer Ludwig Anders Ahgren brought one of the most bizarre spectacles in all of sporting and games to screens and seats in the 10,000 seat Galen Center in Los Angeles thanks to Mogul Chessboxing Championship.
Update 15:30 PT: A delay has pushed back the start of the stream to 15:45 PT or later.
Update 2: Jebaited, event doesn't kick off until 16:15 PT.
The event will see 18 chessboxing competitors, from streaming personality backgrounds, and chess pros, take on one of the most demanding events in all competition. The likes of Albert “Boxbox” Zheng, Chris “Abroad in Japan” Broad, Andrea Botez, Disguised Toast, and Myth will all be competing in this truly one-of-a-kind event.
What is Chessboxing?
Chessboxing is a hybrid sport that combines both chess and boxing into a single competitive event. Chessboxing is, amazingly, not something Ludwig, or the Wu-Tang Clan made up. However, it is instead traced back to a 1979 Hong Kong kung fu film Mystery of Chessboxing. The sport was officially sanctioned and held in 2003 in Berlin as piece of performance art by Lepe Rubingh. Since then, the event has been primarily small-scale, but growing interest has seen it become a global sensation in the later part of the 2010s.
Chessboxing appeals to the fact it may be the ultimate physical and mental test. In order to win at chess boxing, can’t just be a great boxer, or a high elo chess player. Instead, elo and boxing ability are matched. All competitors in the event, with some handicaps, are considered equal competitors. Rules are listed below:

What about Smash Boxing/Melee Boxing?
Smash and Melee Boxing IS something Ludwig just made up. Like chess boxing, premise is exactly what you expect: It’s two players playing Smash and then having a boxing match. These matches are being used as prelims for the main event. Yard member Slime provided some additional details about the history of this idea:
Even number rounds will be Smash, odd numbers will be Boxing. That means they're starting with Smash. They'll be keeping their wraps on for the game which might make things difficult.

Full Card
Ludwig posted the full card on his Twitter earlier today. The first two matches are Smash/Melee Boxing, the rest are chessboxing.

How to watch Ludwig's Mogul Chessboxing Championship
A delay pushed back the start of the stream to 15:45 PT. The event itself is now scheduled to start at 16:15 PT.
Ludwig Chessboxing results
Keep your eyes peeled on our live updating results!
Ludwig Chessboxing Pre-stream
Hero and hype-man Jerma jumped into the pre-stream chat to hype people up. Chat starts spamming "W JERMA." Jerma being the ring announcer was always going to be a highlight, but nice of him to go above and beyond!
Event start, opening
Jerma hypes up the crowd from the Galen Center. Says there's "nine cards"!? (Along with calling the matches rounds, this event really doesn't know what to call things huh?). Ludwig comes in to introduce proceedings. Explains Smash Boxing for the fans. Introduces the Fansly Sky Table. Such a cool gimmick, they're lowering the table for the Smash and Chess Table up and down.
Spud vs. 2saint (Smash Boxing)
2 Saint wins by TKO - Boxing Round 1

Spud, the New Zealand Marth Player, facing NYC’s 2saint, a Jigglypuff main. Honestly, I don’t feel like any Marth OR Jigglypuff main could throw hands, but my eye test is saying 2saint. Spud has never beaten 2saint in Smash, so Spud might need to try and rock him in the boxing. This is a big test, don't think we've ever seen someone play competitive Smash after getting rocked in the face (although I've heard about some terrible locals).
2saint maybe getting a bit too hype on the way to the ring. This seems like a big mismatch on paper, stats wise. Also Jigglypuff players can afford to take a few hits to the head and still play their character at full capacity. Spud quickly went up two stock to one, before taking the first round and going into the boxing. The ref showing a lot of caution, Spud really not defending himself. Such a huge and ugly size difference. A really sad showing, not sure if Spud understood the rules of boxing, or really even the fundamentals.
KJH vs. Fiction (Smash Boxing)
Fiction wins 3-0 in Smash

Two good friends trying to have a real boxing match, with a chance to be a good Smash Boxing match. Perhaps the most equal matchup in the whole Ludwig Chessboxing event? Fiction looks pretty good, but KJH looks a little leaner. A much better matchup than the last fight. Fiction really put on a defensive masterclass in the first smash round, punishing KJH after an early stock take. Fiction takes the opening round.
Boxing round one looked so good from both. But Fiction was doing some really amateurish windups, where he tries to set up a big shot. KJH's movement is a lot better, until he clearly got rocked, and looked really slow late. Smash round two, first time we're seeing Smash after a boxing round. Literal history! Fiction takes the first stock, but KJH takes stock two. Both players looking incredibly tired. But Fiction take the win!
Boxing round three, Fiction basically on match point. But KJH decide his way to win was to beat Fiction in boxing, hits Fiction HARD. However, both guys keep it together, heading to the fifth round, third round Smash. KJH really dropped his hands in that round, but Fiction got rocked as well. This all led to a kind brutal Smash round that saw Fiction grab a quick win.
Stanz vs. BoxBox
BoxBox wins via stoppage after ref stoppage (Stanz, shoulder injury)

BoxBox not sounding confident, compared to Stanz. The huge rating difference in the chess might make this hard. Surprising early lead in the chess for Stanz, meaning he looks incredibly strong going into the boxing. Great evenly matched round but Boxbox took a nasty set of shots which gave him the standing count and meant he'd lost before even the end. Boxbox had some great combos but they just didn't matter.
Another strong round from Stanz, with a slight blunder from Boxbox to lose the queen. But even so Boxbox takes the win after Stanz calls stoppage to an injury (Dislocated shoulder).
Overtflow vs. Abroad in Japan
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Chris Broad wins on time, Chess

Chris Broad coming out delivering candy to the fans. Overtflow is a is going to be the heavy favorite in the boxing, just from experience. Looks like Overtflow might be eating the clock in chess just to rock Broad in the boxing. Huge one-minute advantage for Broad heading into the boxing. Up to him to just survive. Broad's reach is really struggling, and honestly Overtflow is toying with him.
Broad dominated the next round of chess, and Overtflow takes the second round of boxing. Broad makes a huge mistake and loses his queen and drops a checkmate in two position. Broad might have lost the match on a mistake, despite Overtflow making an illegal move, and unwittingly giving Broad an advantage.
A super tense end with lots of mistakes but Chris Broad finally wins on time. Overtflow made a few blunders, but seemed to be trying to set something up towards the end. Missing a pawn to queen was huge.
HugS vs. Toph
HugS wins by TKO, Boxing round one
Almost through we might be back with some Smash. HugS looking great, Toph is going to struggle in this match it feels like, but has the reach advantage. Funny how this match came together according to HBox:
The 1800 rated Toph might have an easy win here in chess, as he instantly begins to crush Hug's opening, trying to prevent the early castle. Big early advantage for Toph heading into boxing round one. Quick pair of stoppages on Toph, and HugS takes the win with a huge amount of aggression. Honestly, Toph just wasn't able to defend himself effectively.
Lawrence Trent vs. GM Aman Hambleton
GM Aman Hambleton wins by TKO, boxing round one

The highest-rated chessboxing match of all-time for Ludwig's event as Lawrence Trent vs. GM Aman Hambleton is next. Aman coming out with a huge live performance of his walk-out music. Hype start so far. Lawerence announced as the "The Immortal" and walks out with an image of chessboxing founder Lepe Rubingh. Gotham Chess suggests that an IM is on the same level as a GM in a Blitz Chess situation.
Starting out SUPER fast, with both players extremely talented chess players. A slight lead for Aman, but really this is a huge amount of movement early, a much more developed board than any other match in the first round. Aman ROCKS Lawrence Trent with a series of left hands, scoring the first knockdown of the night. Ref called a TKO because Lawrence isn't defending himself effectively. Hugely surprising end to the highest-rated chessboxing match in history. Lawrence not happy, but anyone who saw the fight would be clear as to why that happened.
Dina vs. Andrea Botez
Dina wins via resignation, Chess Round Four
Second highest-rated match is also the only women's match in Ludwig's chessboxing event as Dina Vadimovna Belenkaya takes on Andrea Botez. This might be one a most surprisingly brutal matches of the night. Dina Vadimovna Belenkaya should be the winner on paper, but Andrea is confident and will probably have better cardio. A lot of big trash-talking ahead of this as well. Andrea comes out on Alexandra's shoulders (a good metaphor XD).

Botez loses a LOT of time early in chess, and leads into what could be a dangerous round of boxing. Andrea's technique a lot better, but Dina with the heavier hits. The energy and cardio of Andrea is just too much. Good work from Dina to survive, but Andrea is going to be on top stamina-wise.
Dina playing so well though. Andrea losing clearly in chess, Dina needs to survive in boxing round two. Andrea desperately looking for a solid punch, and getting a standing count. Somehow though Dina just barely hanging-on. Andrea could eat her clock and go all in on the boxing, but Dina is trying to crush her on the board. But a slight blunder means that Andrea survives a brutal position in chess to make it to the final match. Dina in a make-or-break moment having to survive the boxing.
Botez came out like wild animal, pushing two standing knock-downs. But Dina survived, with some great clock management, to the final chess phase, and take the win.
Cherdleys vs. Myth
Myth wins on time, Chess

This is the lower-rated chess match on the card. This is really a boxing match with just some chess as a break. A big mismatch, and it's likely Cherdleys won't be taking this as seriously as his opponent. Might not be much of anything. Cherdleys playing for comedy and stalling for time. An awful round of chess. But Cherdleys absolutely surprisingly good and much better in the ring. Looks like the comedy was a misdirection, but I think maybe how bad the chess is might end up causing this fight to go the distance or end in a disappointing way. Great round of boxing to start though!
Another really bad match of chess, thankfully back into the boxing. Myth showboating and getting hype. A slightly quiet round, with some good boxing. Unfortunately, looking like going the distance and coming down to the chess clock. And this is ultimately what it came down to. Best boxing of the night, worse chess.
MAIN EVENT: Disguisedtoast vs. Pointcrow
Disguisedtoast wins by checkmate, Chess

Great match on paper, Disguisedtoast in a difficult matchup against Pointcrow. Disguisedtoast coming out to Lilypichu's Last Cup of Coffee. Pointcrow hits a huge early check, and takes an early lead to head in the first boxing match. Really aggressive start from Pointcrow who gets a good early stoppage. A low blow from Pointcrow, but eventually goes the distance.
Pointcrow misses a checkmate in the chess, bringing it to a boxing match, a very one-sided affair after three rounds. Another brutal boxing match, with some great back and forth. Toast finally started to punish Pointcrow making a really solid mix of offense. Another HUGE blunder by Pointcrow leads into a final round in boxing. Unable to put Toast a way Pointcrow was left with nothing but a difficult chess battle to the end of the match.
This pushed Toast into an incredible position where he finally found a checkmate. The first checkmate of the event and a great end(?) to Ludwig's chessboxing event debut!
Surprise match: Ludwig Chess-Slap-Boxing match against CDawgVA
CDawgVA wins on time, Chess

In an insane Cash App sponsored surprise event, Ludwig took on CDawgVA in a slap-chess-boxing fight. With Connor having been a big chess player, competing at a high level as a child, and Ludwig playing a lot of chess. CDawg took a quick lead, but with some great defence from Ludwig they moved to the slaps. Worryingly this is some of the best chess we've seen, with Ludwig taking some big Ls on the board.
Heading in to the third slap round, Connor was clearly the better slapper, but Ludwig's slaps were getting better. With the third chess round developing, Ludwig was beating Connor far on time. For the final slap Ludwig took a very hard slap, and tried to finish off strong, but Connor tanked it again.
This led to a nail-biter of a finish that saw Connor win by just a second! An ridiculously exciting end to the event!
Ending/Final thoughts
Ludwig thanked the fans, and promised more great events in 2023. Said its the reason he does this all is to host great events. Fans rewarded him with a big ovation and a "Ludwig" chant.
Stay tuned to Esports.gg for more events coverage!