Break new ground with this latest Pokémon GO event.
The Simply Groundbreaking event in Pokémon GO will see the debut of Dynamax Drilbur, as well as give Trainers a great chance to stock up on all important XL candy for the featured Pokémon.
The Simply Groundbreaking event runs from Friday, November 15, at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, November 17, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Dynamax Drilbur debuts into Pokémon GO
The Simply Groundbreaking event will see Dynamax Drilbur debut into Pokémon GO. This seems like a pretty average Pokémon debut. However, don't overlook it. It is incredibly important that you try and arm yourself with some good Dynamax Drilburs.
This is because Dynamax Drilbur can evolve into Excadrill, a Ground and Steel-type Pokémon that is a solid attacker in those categories. We don't yet have a Ground-type Dynamax Pokémon, and we are getting one just in time.
Later in November, Gigantamax Toxtricity will debut into Pokémon GO during the GO Wild Area event. Toxtricity has a double weakness to Ground-type attacks. That means having plenty of Excadrills amongst your team will make this significantly easier to take down. It also has a weakness to Psychic-types, so keep hunting those Beldum too!

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Simply Groundbreaking Event Bonuses
- 2× chance for Trainers level 31 and up to receive Candy XL from catching Pokémon.
Simply Groundbreaking Pokémon GO Wild Encounters
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild during the Simply Groundbreaking event.
- Jigglypuff
- Diglett
- Alolan Diglett
- Rhyhorn
- Phanpy
- Whismur
- Kricketot
- Woobat
- Drilbur
- Noibat
- Excadrill
Simply Groundbreaking Pokémon GO Field Research and Timed Research
Event-themed Field Research tasks will be avaliable, all focused on Drilbur. Trainers will be able to earn Drilbur Candy, Drilbur Candy XL and encounters with Drilbur. There will also be Timed Research avaliable during the event, that will award you the same rewards.
Stay tuned to for the latest esports news and more Pokémon GO updates.