Get ready for the Global Unova Tour with this special Pokémon GO event.
In the build up to the Global edition of the Unova Tour, we will once again see an event the week before. The Road to Unova event in Pokémon GO will give Trainers more encounters with Unova themed Pokémon and build up the hype and excitement for the event.
This week-long event is one of the best you will see all year in Pokémon GO. So, clear your schedules and get ready to take full advantage. Here's all the details you need for the event.
Road to Unova event in Pokémon GO
The Road to Unova event runs from Monday, Feb. 24 at 10:00 a.m. until Saturday, Mar. 1 at 10:00am local time.
That means that this event will run parallel to the availability of the previously announced GO Tour Pass.
The following bonuses will be active during the Road to Unova event:
- 1/2 Egg Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed in an Incubator during the event period.
- The Remote Raid Pass limit will be increased to 20 from Monday, February 24 to Friday, February 28, 2025.
Road to Unova event makes Shiny Meloetta avaliable worldwide in Pokémon GO
As was also previously announced, the Unova Tour will debut a Masterwork Research that eventually leads to an encounter with Shiny Meloetta. The Masterwork Research ticket will become avaliable for purchase in-game when the Road to Unova event starts. Use the event to get a head start on those tasks!

Road to Unova paid tickets
There will be two optional paid tickets that will give you additional bonuses across both the Road to Unova event but also the Global Unova Tour that takes place across the weekend. There are no other paid tickets for the weekend event, unlike events like GO Fest or GO Wild Area.
They are as follows:
Road to Unova: Raids:
The Raid ticket costs $4.99 and will give you raid-themed bonuses and event-exclusive Timed Research. Rewards include:
- 5 Cobalion Candy XL
- 5 Terrakion Candy XL
- 5 Virizion Candy XL
- 5 Tornadus Candy XL
- 5 Thundurus Candy XL
- 10 Reshiram Candy
- 10 Zekrom Candy
- 5 Landorus Candy XL
- 25 Genesect Candy XL
- Black and White Joggers avatar item
Then, the bonuses are:
- Additional 5,000 XP from completed raids
- 1 additional Candy awarded for catching Pokémon in five-star raids
- 1 additional Candy XL awarded for catching Pokémon in five-star raids (Trainers 31+)
- 2× Stardust from Raid Battles
- 1 additional Raid Pass from spinning Photo Discs at Gyms each day
Road to Unova: Hatch
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The Hatch ticket also costs $4.99 and will give you hatch themed bonuses as well as another set of Timed Research.
The Timed Research includes encounters with the following:
- Maractus
- Sigilyph
- Bouffalant
There is also the Black and White Hoodie avatar item.
In addition, you will have the following bonuses across the Road to Unova event:
- 2× Hatch XP
- 2× Hatch Candy
- 2× Hatch Stardust
The Road to Unova tickets will only be available for purchase from Monday, February 24, at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday, March 2, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. local time. Bonuses will remain active until Sunday, March 2, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. local time.

Wild Encounters and Raids
During the Road to Unova event, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott will be spawning much more frequently Pokémon GO. Their second stage evolutions, Servine, Pignite and Dewott will also be spawning but less frequently. Only the starters can be shiny.
Then, the following Pokémon will feature in Raids including a daily Raid Hour:
- Genesect (Monday, Feb. 24)
- Coballion (Tuesday, Feb. 25)
- Terrakion (Tuesday, Feb. 25)
- Virizion (Tuesday, Feb. 25)
- Therian Forme Tornadus (Wednesday, Feb. 26)
- Therian Forme Thundurus (Wednesday, Feb. 26)
- Therian Forme Landorus (Wednesday Feb. 26)
- Reshiram (Thursday, Feb. 27)
- Zekrom (Friday, Feb. 28)
All of these Pokémon will know their signature moves. Additionally, during the event there is a chance of getting a Special Background on these Legendary Pokémon. Pokémon featured in both games can have either background, while Pokémon exclusive to Black or White can only have the background respective to the game they appeared in.
Road to Unova Pokémon GO Eggs
During the event, there will be special Unova themed 2 km Eggs. The pool is as follows:
- Roggenrola
- Timburr
- Karrablast
- Shelmet
- Larvesta
Road to Unova Timed Research
Additionally to the Raids, the Road to Unova event will include a free Timed Research for everyone in Pokémon GO. You can complete tasks to earn encounters with the following:
- Terrakion
- Cobalion
- Virizion
- Therian Forme Tornadus
- Therian Forme Thundurus
- Therian Forme Landorus
- Genesect
- Genesect (Burn Drive)
- Genesect (Douse Drive)
- Genesect (Shock Drive)
- Genesect (Chill Drive)
Good luck during the Road to Unova event in Pokémon GO, Trainers. Stay tuned to for the latest esports news and more Pokémon GO updates.