Everything changing in the GO Battle League during Pokémon GO Dual Destiny.
The new season of Pokémon GO, Dual Destiny will bring several changes to the GO Battle League. This includes new moves on certain Pokémon, new rewards and buffs and nerfs to some attacks too.
Here is everything coming to the GO Battle League during Dual Destiny.
Dual Destiny GO Battle League Events
From January 21 until January 26 there will be a GO Battle Week. It will have the following bonuses:
- 4× Stardust from win rewards. (This does not include end-of-set rewards.)
- The maximum number of sets you can play per day will increase from five to 20—for a total of 100 battles—from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. local time.
- Free battle-themed Timed Research will be available. Rewards include shoes for your avatar inspired by Grimsley.
- Pokémon encountered via GO Battle League rewards will have a wider variance of Attack, Defense, and HP.
GO Battle League Rewards
You can encounter the following Pokémon once per Season at the designated ranks.
- Scraggy (Level 1)
- Sandile (Level 6)
- Jangmo-o (Ace)
- Deino (Veteran)
- Frigibax (Expert)
- Pikachu Libre (Legend)
Standard Encounters
You can encounter the following Pokémon in reward encounters throughout the Season at the stated rank:
- Clefairy (Level 1+)
- Machop (Level 1)
- Meinfoo (Level 1+)
- Bunnelby (Level 1+)
- Fletchling (Level 1+)
- Frillish (Level 6+)
- Togedemaru (Level 6+)
- Teddiursa (Level 11+)
- Galarian Stunfisk (Level 11+)
- Phantump (Level 11+)
- Cetoddle (Level 11+)
- Totodile (Level 16+)
- Hisuian Sneasel (Level 16+)
- Pancham (Level 16+)
- Legendary Raid Boss (Level 20+)
- Jangmo-o (Ace Rank+)
- Deino (Veteran Rank+)
- Frigibax (Expert Rank+)
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Avatar Items and Other Rewards
Trainers will be able to earn the following avatar items, which are all inspired by Grimsley, a member of the Unova Elite Four, from the Pokémon Black and Pokémon White video games!
- At Ace rank, you’ll receive shoes inspired by Grimsley.
- At Veteran rank, you’ll receive pants inspired by Grimsley.
- At Expert rank, you’ll receive a top inspired by Grimsley.
- At Legend rank, you’ll receive a pose inspired by Grimsley.

Battle League Dual Destiny Cups
The following cups will appear during Dual Destiny:
- Fantasy Cup
- Holiday Cup
- Color Cup
- Jungle Cup
- Love Cup
- Master League: Mega Edition
Battle League Dual Destiny Attack Changes
- Fire Fang: Energy generation increased
- Ice Fang: Energy generation increased
- Thunder Fang: Energy generation increased
- Bulldoze: 80 to 45 power, energy cost decreased, opponent defence drop chance
- Fire Punch: 55 to 60 power
- Ice Punch: 55 to 60 power
- Thunder Punch: 55 to 60 power
- Thunder Shock: 3 to 4 power
- Rage Fist: energy cost increased
Attack Availability Updates
- Dragalge: Can now learn Focus Blast
- Bibarel: Can now learn Rollout
- Gliscor: Can now learn Sand Attack
- Starmie: Can now learn Psywave and Surf
Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest esports news and more Pokémon GO updates.