Nickit and Thievul are coming to Pokémon GO during the Deep Depths event.
The Deep Depths event in Pokémon GO will debut Nickit into the game, as well as bring an increased chance to encounter Shiny Clauncher.
Here are all the event details and bonuses you need to know ahead of the event getting under way.
Deep Depths Pokémon GO event
The Deep Depths event in Pokémon GO will run from Wednesday, March 19, at 10:00 a.m. to Monday, March 24, 2025, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Event Bonuses
The following bonuses will be in effect during the Deep Depths event.
- 1/2 Egg Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed into Incubators during the event.
- Increased chance to encounter and hatch Shiny Clauncher.

Wild Encounters
In addition, during the event the following Pokémon will spawn in the wild.
- Murkrow
- Sneasel
- Corphish
- Clamperl
- Purrloin
- Female Frillish
- Clauncher
- Nickit
This is exciting that we are getting a Pokémon debut in the wild for the first time - Nickit won't be locked behind Eggs or Raids. It will be a slightly rarer spawn however.
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Deep Pokémon Pokémon GO will bring special 7 km Eggs
Nickit will be avaliable in 7 km Eggs during the event. Also in 7 km Eggs will be Clauncher, which will have a boosted shiny chance. The 7 km Egg pool will be as follows during the event:
- Galarian Corsola
- Pawniard
- Clauncher
- Nickit
Other event details
The event will, as always, feature event-themed Field Research, as well as a free Timed Research opportunity. The free Timed Research will award the following:
- 10 Kubfu Candy
- One Mysterious Component
- Encounters with event-themed Pokémon
- 2× Stardust for catching Pokémon after completing the Timed Research
Then there will be an additional paid Timed Research, priced at $2 that awards the following:
- Two Super Incubators
- One Star Piece
- Encounters with Clauncher and Nickit
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