Niantic introduces big change to PokéStop Showcases

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

This shakeup will make PokéStop Showcases way more competitive.

Starting on Monday, September 16 Niantic are introducing a change to how some PokéStop Showcases are judged. This overhaul will only apply to "all-type" showcases. These pitted all Pokémon of a single type together, with a size scale that applied to every Pokémon in that type from biggest to smallest.

These new changes will debut with the latest Normal-type PokéStop Showcases that run until Wednesday, September 18.

Here's what you need to know about the changes

Niantic introduces scoring change to some PokéStop Showcases

The change to PokéStop Showcases concerns the scores that Pokémon get when the eligibility criteria is an entire typing. Previously, all Pokémon were judged along the same scale. That means that a Pokémon like a Pidgey would be hugely outclassed by something like a Celesteela in a Flying-type showcase.

This meant that Trainers could only win these all-type showcases if they had certain Pokémon. Some of the largest Pokémon in the game are also some of the rarest.

Now, all Pokémon will be scored by their relative size within their own Pokémon. That means that a Pidgey would be scored based on how big of a Pidgey it is, rather than against much larger Pokémon.

As a result, any XXL Pokémon is now valuable outside of Showcases of its own type. This will make these PokéStop Showcases far more competitive, with the old system of one or two huge Pokémon dominating these specific types of Showcase.

So, with these changes in mind, if you're keen to win some Showcases make sure to hold onto your biggest XXL Pokémon. It no longer matters how big the Pokémon is overall. Just if it is one of the biggest possible versions of that Pokémon you can get.

This is an exciting change to Showcases. Don't forget how good the rewards can be for placing well.

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