Bold prediction made that Mega Mewtwo will debut at Pokémon GO’s Kalos Tour

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

A bold prediction has been made about Mega Mewtwo X and Y coming to Pokémon GO.

A YouTuber has made a bold claim about when Mega Mewtwo will debut into Pokémon GO, and the logic seems to check out. The next Pokémon GO Tour will almost certainly be for the Kalos region, continuing the chronological order that is being used.

Every year, the Pokémon GO Tour events debut something new into the game as a "centre piece." The Unova Tour debuted Black and White Kyurem. The previous years Sinnoh Tour was the debut for Origin forme Dialga and Palkia.

For the Kalos Region, YouTuber RaidenRadio points out that Niantic have very, very few options avaliable to them. Kalos region introduced a lot less Pokémon, but instead was the first ever debut of Mega Evolutions.

Prediction claims Mega Mewtwo X and Y will release at the Kalos Tour

One of the ways to look at what might be coming in a future Pokémon GO event is to see what exists in that region that has not yet debuted into Pokémon GO. For instance, Ultra Necrozma currently seems a good bet for the Alola Tour, due in 2027.

In Kalos, there are very few options. Xerneas and Yveltal have released, and there are no special forms or fusions to debut into the game. However, with the Kalos region being focused on Mega Evolution, we do have some unreleased Mega Pokémon waiting to arrive into the game.

These are:

  • Mega Audino
  • Mega Camerupt
  • Mega Metagross
  • Mega Sharpedo
  • Mega Mewtwo X
  • Mega Mewtwo Y

Some of these will release between now and the Kalos Tour. For instance, Mega Audino was teased in the Might & Mastery trailer so seems to be coming soon.

But, with that list in mind, it seems highly likely that Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y will be the "centrepiece" of the Pokémon GO Kalos Tour and will debut then. They are both set to be highly powerful Pokémon, and are very desired by fans.

Their release would be a huge incentive to play the Kalos Tour and certainly feels on the same level as recent years debuts.

Could they debut before then?

It would be a huge shock if Mega Mewtwo debuted into the game outside of one of the major events. At the moment, we only have initial details about 2025's Pokémon GO Fest events. It is then also expected that there will be a GO Wild Area event in the Autumn.

Assuming that we don't get a Mega Mewtwo debut at either of these events, the prediction made by RaidenRaidio would seem absolutely nailed on. After all, surely they will not debut Mega Mewtwo through a simple Raid Day.

Mega Rayquaza for instance, another very powerful Mega Pokémon, debuted at Pokémon GO Fest 2023. Primal Groudon and Kyogre debuted in the Hoenn Tour as well.

All signs seem to point towards Mega Mewtwo debuting in the Pokémon GO Kalos Tour, which is expected for early 2026. We won't get any details until nearer to Christmas. So, stay tuned to for the latest esports news and more Pokémon GO updates.