Overwatch Moth Meta patch speeds up Mercy rez and hints at Doomfist update

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

This hotfix improved Mercy’s Resurrect cast time in Overwatch Classic.

The Overwatch Classic Moth Meta game mode is now in full swing. While DPS Doomfist players are having a blast terrorizing everyone, Mercy players may be happy to know that her Resurrect ability and Valkyrie just received a hotfix. Read on for the Overwatch Moth Meta patch notes and what Blizzard had to say about Doomfist.

Screenshot of Mercy's improved Resurrect cast time (Image via esports.gg)
Screenshot of Mercy's improved Resurrect cast time (Image via esports.gg)

Overwatch Classic Moth Meta patch notes

On Feb. 6, Blizzard put out a hotfix to the Overwatch Classic Moth Meta game mode. The patch featured Mercy. Specifically, it updated her Resurrect ability plus her Guardian Angel ability while she's using her Valkyrie ultimate.

  • Guardian Angel: Now has increased speed and range during Valkyrie.
  • Resurrect: Now has improved cast time.

According to the developers, these updates were made to make the support hero feel more like her original vibe back in 2017.

Screenshot of Mercy, Roadhog, Doomfist, Cassidy, Symmetra, and Lucio in the Overwatch Classic Moth Meta game mode (Image via esports.gg)
Screenshot of Mercy, Roadhog, Doomfist, Cassidy, Symmetra, and Lucio in the Overwatch Classic Moth Meta game mode (Image via esports.gg)

Overwatch players wants to remove DPS Doomfist

"Additionally, we're planning an update to Doomfist in the mode in the next patch," Blizzard added in the latest patch notes.

Some Overwatch Classic players are not happy about DPS Doomfist. For example, over on Reddit, one player described going against DPS Doomfist as "playing Dead by Daylight." Meanwhile, on X, another player wrote, "Now remove Doomfist and we are talking."

Screenshot of Doomfist's kit in Overwatch Classic (Image via esports.gg)
Screenshot of Doomfist's kit in Overwatch Classic (Image via esports.gg)

There's even an Overwatch Anonymous account on X where a player shared how they're glad that DPS Doomfist doesn't exist in Overwatch 2.

It's possible that DPS Doomfist connoisseurs might just have until the next patch to enjoy their punching shenanigans. However, only time will tell. Until then, check out our guide on every Overwatch Classic hero's kit specific to the Moth Meta event. You can also check out all of the latest Overwatch Classic event challenges in another one of our dedicated guides.

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