The next Overwatch collab was revealed during the Season 9 trailer, with Cowboy Bebop soon coming to push the Payload. See you…

Another anime collab felt like a foregone conclusion after the success of last year's One Punch Man Overwatch event. Well, look no further, as the today's tease for the Season 9 'Champions' patch contained a significant and none-too-subtle hint about what anime IP is coming next to push the payload. All it took was eight notes to confirm that the next Overwatch collab is with the legendary anime Cowboy Bebop.

Yes, gentle reader, the dulcet, opening tones of Tank! do not dare fool your ears. It's the famed and acclaimed opening theme for what may be one of the most important anime of the past thirty years. I'm almost shocked by its sudden shaking of my brainspace while thinking about Overwatch.

And yet, it makes sense, doesn't it?

Expect more info on the Overwatch Cowboy Bebop collab once Season 9 begins. For the rest of you, let's talk about collaborations, anime, and cowboys.

Overwatch x Cowboy Bebop: See you...

First appearing on TV Tokyo in 1998, the neo-noir space epic Cowboy Bebop is in a close alone when it comes to style. While only 26 episodes, the show is considered as part of the first major wave of anime to break through in America, along with Ghost in the Shell, Dragon Ball Z, and Gundam. Critically acclaimed and loved by just about every anime fan out there, Cowboy Bebop and its style fit almost a little too well into the futuristic aesthetic of Overwatch.

One cannot understate the influence and important of this anime. It's the show that sold the idea of anime being a viable, late-night television product in the United States. Likewise, it was one of the first major successes in the medium of DVDs, proving that anime wasn't a niche audience.

If ever there was a gateway anime, it's Cowboy Bebop. However, the question begs: How will Overwatch utilize the style and substance of Cowboy Bebop for this collab? One Punch Man's event gives us some hints. We know for sure that the development team doesn't plan on just bringing characters straight from the show, but instead use their likenesses almost as cosplay inspiration.

If I was a betting man, I'd say (and hope) we get Cassidy as main character Spike, Ashe as Faye, and perhaps something off the way, like Wrecking Ball in an Ein mech. The possibilities are endless! And when we have more information we'll get you the goods. Look for the Overwatch x Cowboy Bebop collaboration once Season 9 is underway.

Stay tuned to for esports news and Overwatch information.