Yes, they indeed just buffed the horse. Here are the details for the Overwatch 2 Season 14 patch notes.

The Overwatch 2 Season 14 patch notes are now live! The adjustments went to six tanks, seven damage heroes, and four supports. Notably, Overwatch 2 buffed Orisa in this update. Read on for all of the Dec. 10 patch notes.

Overwatch 2 Season 14 is now live (Image via
Overwatch 2 Season 14 is now live (Image via

Overwatch 2 Season 14 patch notes

In Overwatch 2 Season 14, the debuff duration of damage heroes increased from 2 to 3 seconds. Healing reduction also increased 20% to 25%. These heroes received a few tweaks to their global projectile sizes as well. Below are the rest of the Overwatch 2 Season 14 patch notes — as provided by Blizzard.

OR-Unit Orisa in Overwatch 2 (Image via
OR-Unit Orisa in Overwatch 2 (Image via

Overwatch 2 Season 14 tank changes: They buffed the horse

DoomfistSeismic SlamShockwave range reduced from 18 to 15 meters.
Cooldown increased from 6 to 6.5 seconds.
HazardBonespurDamage per spike increased from 6.75 to 7.5.
Each volley’s center projectile no longer has a random launch spread and now always launches straight.
Spike GuardThe angle of protection provided by Spike Guard increased from 104 degrees to 180 degrees.
Damage per second reduced from 75 to 70.
Violent LeapPost-slash recovery time for Primary Fire and Quick Melee increased from .3 seconds to .5 seconds.
Jagged WallHealth increased from 350 to 400.
Knockback damage increased from 40 to 50.
Damage interval increased from 1.5 seconds per target to 1.75 seconds per target.
DownpourAirborne momentum lost by casting Downpour reduced from 90% to 50%.
VaultMinimum obstacle height to trigger Vault reduced from 1.75 meters to 1.25 meters.
MaugaBase armor reduced from 200 to 150.
Base health increased from 375 to 425.
OrisaArmor increased from 300 to 325.
Base health reduced from 175 to 150.
Terra SurgePull radius increased from 8.5 to 10.5 meters.
RamattraRavenous VortexNow briefly interrupts horizontal momentum when first affecting a target.
Slowing field now ignores barriers for line of sight.
WinstonJump PackDamage increased from 50 to 60.
Overwatch League Gray Home Sojourn skin screenshot (Image via
Overwatch League Gray Home Sojourn skin screenshot (Image via

Overwatch 2 Season 14 DPS updates: Pharah nerf, Sojourn buff, and more

AsheCoach GunCan now be activated while affected by mobility locking abilities but won't move Ashe.
PharahJet DashCooldown increased from 8 to 9 seconds.
SojournRailgunSecondary fire damage scaling increased from 1-100 damage to 20-120 damage.
Soldier: 76Biotic FieldCooldown reduced from 18 to 15 seconds.
SymmetraTeleporterBase shield health increased from 200 to 250.
TorbjörnForge HammerDamage increased from 55 to 70.
Deploy TurretBuild time reduced from 3 to 2.5 seconds.
Base health increased from 225 to 250.
VentureDrill DashCooldown rate is now faster anytime Burrow is active, rather than requiring the player to be underground.
Screenshot of Baptiste's Scorpion skin in Overwatch 2 (Image via
Screenshot of Baptiste's Scorpion skin in Overwatch 2 (Image via

Overwatch 2 Season 14 support patch notes: Baptiste buff,  Brigitte nerf, and more

BaptisteRegenerative BurstCooldown decreased from 15 to 14 seconds.
Radius increased from 10 to 12 meters.
BrigitteInspireDuration reduced from 5 to 4 seconds.
IllariCaptive SunExplosion radius increased from 8 to 10 meters.
LúcioCrossfadeSelf-healing penalty decreased from 60% to 40%.
Sound BarrierNow falls faster when used in mid-air.
Ashe Hero Mastery screenshot (Image via
Ashe Hero Mastery screenshot (Image via

Overwatch 2 Season 14 to get Ashe Hero Mastery courses

In addition to all of the above updates, Season 14 features an addition to the Hero Mastery game mode. Ashe hasn't arrived yet, but she'll be available on Jan. 14.

In terms of what else to expect in the near future, there will be six-versus-six (6v6) action via the 6v6 Role Queue experiment, and more.

That's all for now. Stick around on for more Overwatch 2 news and updates!