Here’s what to expect on March 12.
Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller has published a new blog post. This time, it goes into the next Quick Play Hacked event and upcoming mid-season balance changes. Read on for what to expect in Overwatch 2 Quick Play Hacked: Double Trouble. We also go over how Overwatch 2 plans to buff Ana and adjust other heroes.

Overwatch 2 Quick Play Hacked: Double Trouble explained
The next iteration of Quick Play Hacked will be Double Trouble. This version of the limited-time game mode will allow each team to select two of the same hero. For example, if you wish to play as Genji, then your teammate can choose the cyborg ninja as well.

"Role Queue will still be active, but this means that players can choose two of the same hero for both Damage and Support roles," Keller wrote.

Overwatch 2 Quick Play Hacked removes hero limits
This hero limit was implemented in the original Overwatch game. Before, the game did not have role queue, which allowed players to create hilarious team compositions. Keller recalled how players used to create a team of five Winstons plus a support hero.

"We called this strategy the “Quinston” and it won our first internal tournament!" he wrote. "However, now that we do have Role Queue in the game, the possibility of creating comps like this is gone. Giving players more freedom in which hero they choose and more creativity in putting comps together could be great… we can’t wait to see what you come up with!"

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Overwatch 2 to buff Ana in Season 9
Keller's post also noted an upcoming buff to Ana in Overwatch 2 Season 9. He stated that Biotic Grenade's healing and damage will shift from 60 health to 90 health. This will give the support hero increased self-survivability.

"Ana is an interesting hero, and one of the most played in the entire game," Keller acknowledged. "So, we're hoping that this adjustment brings her to a place where she feels viable but not dominant."
Overwatch 2 nerfs DPS healing passive and more
Overwatch 2 will also nerf the DPS passive that allows them to heal. This will be a reduction from 20% to 15%. Meanwhile, hero updates will be on the horizon for Lifeweaver, Doomfist, and Mauga. As for Wrecking Ball, he will get a small rework in Season 10.
Overwatch 2 Hero Hero Role Upcoming Changes | Ana Support Biotic Grenade healing and damage will go from 60 health to 90 health. | Lifeweaver Support Maximum heal will increase from 70 to 80, with the maximum charge increasing from 1 to 1.15 seconds. | Doomfist Tank Meteor Strike's minimum damage will increase from 15 to 50. | Mauga Tank Cardiac Overdrive's duration will decrease from 5 to 4 seconds. Its cooldown will decrease from 12 to 10 seconds and fill his passive overhealth by 100. Additionally, Overrun's stomp damage will increase from 45 to 60. |
With the exception of Wrecking Ball, all of the above changes and more will arrive in the Overwatch 2 Season 9 mid-season update on March 12. This patch will also feature the arrival of the brand-new Overwatch 2 x Cowboy Bebop collaboration.
That's all for now. Stick around on for more news and updates!