Ready for some speedy changes? The Overwatch 2 Quick Play: Hacked weekend test will change core aspects of the game’s main mode for two days.
Do you want to play a game? Resident TALON hacker Sombra is messing with the Overwatch 2 servers, it appears. No, she wasn't the one that got rid of 6v6, but for a weekend test she will be speeding the game up by a large margin. Announced by Blizzard today, the Overwatch 2 Quick Play: Hacked weekend test is going to speed up every aspect of the game, from Jan. 12-14.
And if you're thinking to yourself "Well, have fun on that experimental card mode, suckers! I'm going to avoid it and play normal Quick Play," then we have some bad news for you.
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What changes are in Overwatch 2 Quick Play: Hacked?

Blizzard gave the rundown of what changes go into effect starting tomorrow with Overwatch 2 Quick Play: Hacked. Here's the entire list of tweaks.
- Respawning times are now 75% of their original time.
- Payloads in Escort and Hybrid maps will move 60% faster.
- Taking control of the Objective Point in Hybrid is 40% faster than normal.
- Control of the objective point in Control is 40% faster than normal, and scoring the capture progress percentage is 80% faster.
- Taking control of the objective point in Flashpoint is 20% faster than normal, and scoring the capture progress percentage is 40% faster.
- When you play an Escort, Hybrid, or Push map, the initial match time has been reduced to 70% of the original time, and any time extensions are also reduced to 70% of the total time added.
- These changes only apply to all players who play in Role Queue and Open Queue Quick Play modes during the duration of the event and will return to normal after January 14. Competitive Play and Arcade modes are not affected by these changes.
That's right, nerds: You can't opt out of this silliness. Unlike past test cases that were ran through the experimental card mode feature, the Quick Play: Hacked changes affects one and all. Why? Blizzard developers answered some questions via FAQ ahead of time.

"Arcade is meant for game modes that typically only play one specific map type (like Assault) or completely different ways to play Overwatch," they said. "The Overwatch 2 Quick Play: Hacked changes affect the core gameplay of our main mode, while still aiming to bring a more balanced play experience that is unique from the traditional ruleset."
Translation? Some of these tweaks could become full-time changes. Thanks, Sombra.
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