Season 12 will get a rank reset plus other competitive updates.
Blizzard has announced that Overwatch 2 will get a mid-year competitive update. Read on for what to expect and more.

Overwatch 2 mid-year competitive update
According to Blizzard, Overwatch 2 Season 12 will feature competitive updates. For one, there will be an Overwatch 2 rank reset to give players a fresh start of the season. This reset will allow folks to work their way back up the competitive ranks.

As for what else to expect in the new season, Blizzard confirmed that Juno will be playable in competitive mode. "Be sure to tune in for more teases from our extraterrestrial visitor coming in the days ahead, including her premiere hero trailer on our official social channels," Blizzard added.

More information about the mid-year competitive update will be posted in an upcoming blog post on Aug. 16. Overwatch 2 system designer Gavin Winter will reveal the details.

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Overwatch 2 Avoid as Teammate feature and more
In terms of other updates, an official announcement noted upcoming improvements to the Avoid as Teammate feature. This change will give players a more tailored experience. Additionally, for those who enjoy Quick Play, Overwatch 2 will get improvements in terms of group respawn.

"The current Avoid as Teammate system allows you to avoid up to three players you encounter," Blizzard noted back in April 2024. "This has been the maximum because adding more slots would make finding matches for players at higher ranks like Grand Master or Champion impossible. However, thanks to your feedback, we’re going to help give everyone more agency over which players they are paired with on their team."

That's all for now. Are you ready for these Overwatch 2 changes? Stick around on for more news and updates!