Here is what’s next for competitive Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller explained in an interview with Dexerto that the development team wants to shake up ranked gameplay. In his words, the team has a lot of ideas that would breathe new life into Overwatch 2. The most notable of which are the potential inclusions of a pick and ban system for ranked as well as a mid-year update.

Overwatch 2 pick and ban system

Keller explained that the team was heavily focusing on the PvP content of Overwatch 2. This was in a variety of ways, but what stood out to the community was the mention of a pick and ban system. However, this mention wasn't confirmation that the team was committing to the inclusion of the Overwatch 2 pick and ban system. Rather, this was one of the many ideas that the team had.

“I don’t think we’ve committed to something like, let’s say a pick or ban system, but that would be an example of the type of system that we’d be looking at when we talk about adding new things to the game."

Aaron Keller - Overwatch 2 Game Director (via Dextero)
Mauga in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Mauga in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

This statement was a part of the team's vision for big competitive updates to breathe new life into Overwatch 2. Outside of adding new systems, the team also suggested rank resets, rewards, or new PvP modes to shake things up within the Overwatch 2 landscape.

Overwatch 2 mid-year update

The real icing on the cake is Keller's statement regarding ranked resets. Typically, ranked resets have been an annual change for the Overwatch 2 community. However, the development team may potentially shift to a more frequent rank reset — a mid-year update, to be precise.

With the surprising amount of potential changes coming to Overwatch 2, it seems like the game can only be moving forwards.

That's all for now. Stick around on for more news and updates.