Overwatch 2 Community Crafted Mode patch notes: All abilities and changes

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Here’s how this returning and limited-time game mode works.

The Overwatch 2 Anniversary event is happening now, and one of the featured game modes in Week 1 is known as Community Crafted Mode. At first, matches may seem like normal, however, as you play more of them, you may notice that things are a bit off. This is because this game mode has a bunch of hero adjustments made by content creators Eskay, Emongg, Custa, and TQQ. Here are the Overwatch 2 Community Crafted Mode patch notes!

Illari has two Healing Pylons in Overwatch 2 Community Crafted Mode (Image via esports.gg)
Illari has two Healing Pylons in Overwatch 2 Community Crafted Mode (Image via esports.gg)

Overwatch 2 Community Crafted Mode patch notes

Here are all of the Community Crafted Mode changes. While the height of Ramattra's Ravenous Vortex is increased by 100%, Cassidy's Combat Roll can cleanse negative effects. As another example, Zenyatta's Transcendence now grants him full flight!

Overwatch 2 Community Crafted Mode tank changes

D.VaDefense MatrixReduces incoming beam damage by 30%. Reduces the cooldown of Micro Missiles based on the amount of damage absorbed.
BoostersCan strafe sideways and backwards.
DoomfistHand CannonProjectile speed increased from 80 to 160.
Power BlockRequired damage mitigation for Rocket Punch charge up reduced from 100 to 80.
Seismic SlamShockwave height increased from 1.45 to 1.75 meters.
Meteor StrikeDamage scales the longer Doomfist is in the air. Base damage starts at 50% and scales up to 200%.
Junker QueenCommanding ShoutGives Junker Queen Armor instead of Overhealth.
RampageCast time reduced from 0.75 seconds to 0.375 seconds.
MaugaOverrunRadius increased from 7 to 9 meters. Critical hit damage increased from 120 to 180. Critical hit radius increased from 2 to 3 meters.
OrisaHalt!New ability activated by pressing Reload. Launch a graviton charge, then detonate it with Reload. The sphere slows and pulls nearby enemies.
Energy JavelinCooldown increased from 6 to 8 seconds.
Javelin SpinCooldown increased from 8 to 12 seconds.
RamattraVoid AcceleratorProjectile size increased by 25%.
Ravenous VortexHeight increased by 100%.
ReinhardtBarrier FieldProvides Reinhardt bonus movement speed based on missing health, up to 50%.
Fire StrikeAfter hitting an enemy, Reinhardt gains 30% increased movement speed for 2 seconds.
ChargeGives 50% damage reduction while charging.
RoadhogChain HookNo longer pulls targets towards Roadhog. Pulls Roadhog towards the enemy or environment.
Take a BreatherDamage reduction reduced from 50% to 30%. Gives nearby allies 10% damage reduction.
Whole HogPulls nearby enemies towards Roadhog when activated.
SigmaExperimental BarrierShield health regeneration increased by 25%.
Kinetic GraspCan be canceled by pressing the ability button again. Absorbing damage no longer provides Overhealth but reduces Accretion cooldown.
Gravitic FluxCan no longer be interrupted as it's now considered a transformation ultimate.
WinstonTesla CannonSecondary Fire channel time increased from 2.5 to 4.5 seconds. Charging beyond 1 second increases damage to 150.
Barrier ProjectorSize radius increased from 5 to 7 meters.
Primal RageCreates a Barrier Projector on activation. Melee attack range increased by 25%.
Wrecking BallPiledriverGains a free cast after impacting an enemy hero. This does not require being in the air. Free cast expires if not used within 5 seconds.
MinefieldMine radius size increased by 50%.
ZaryaProjected BarrierProvides allies with 30% increased movement speed.
Graviton SurgeDestroys incoming projectiles and Baptiste’s Immortality Field.

Overwatch 2 Community Crafted Mode DPS changes

AsheDynamiteCan be detonated by using the Ability 2 input again.
B.O.B.Can stop movement with the Ability 3 input again.
BastionNow explodes on deathExplodes on death for 300 damage in a 5-meter radius.
Configuration ReconDamage reduced from 25 to 24. Rate of fire increased 5 to 6 shots per second.
A-36 Tactical GrenadeReplaced by Self Repair ability on Secondary Fire.
Configuration AssaultDamage reduced from 12 to 9. Can deal critical damage.
CassidyCombat RollLaunches you forward in whatever direction you are facing. Cleanses negative effects and heals for 50 health. Distance increased 50%.
ReaperWraith FormActs like Moira's Fade ability. Can be activated during Death Blossom. Deals 50 damage to enemies you pass through.
The Reaping (Passive)Can heal up to 50 additional Overhealth.
SojournRailgunPrimary fire projectile speed increased from 150 to 300. Primary fire damage reduced from 9 to 6.
Power SlideOnly launches you forward in the direction you are facing. Can travel upwards.
Soldier: 76SprintBonus movement speed increased from 50 to 80%.
Biotic FieldCan be thrown in your aim direction.
Tactical VisorMovement speed increased by 20% while the ultimate is active. Grants unlimited ammo for its duration.
SombraTranslocatorProjectile speed increased from 72 to 125.
StealthDetection radius increased from 4 to 20 meters. Radius ring VFX removed. Player outline is now hidden while in stealth. Bonus movement speed increased from 45 to 100%.
TracerHealth reducedHealth reduced from 175 to 150.
Pulse PistolsSpread increased from 3.5 to 4.5 degrees.
Pulse BombProjectile speed increased from 15 to 100.
BlinkCooldown reduced from 3 to 2.5 seconds.
RecallCooldown decreased from 13 to 10 seconds.
WidowmakerVenom MineProjectile speed increased from 20 to 40 meters per second.
Widow's KissScoped shots deal damage over 1 second. Critical hits deal damage in half the time.
EchoDuplicateCan target allies. Ally target ultimate multiplier reduced from 450% to 350%.
GenjiDragonbladeCast time reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds. Swing speed slowed from 0.7 seconds to 0.9 seconds. Heals Genji for 20% of damage done.
HanzoStormbowRecovery reduced from 0.5 to 0.25 seconds. Draw time reduced from 0.7 to 0.2 seconds. Reloads with a maximum of 10 ammo. Maximum damage reduced from 120 to 70.
Storm ArrowsReplaced by Scatter Arrow ability.
Scatter ArrowMax impact damage increased from 120 to 130. Split arrow maximum damage reduced from 75 to 50.
JunkratFrag LauncherProjectile speed increased from 25 to 35 meters per second.
RIP TireNo longer control RIP Tire in first person. Can be detonated by pressing the Ultimate ability input again. Maximum duration reduced from 10 to 1.5 seconds. Movement speed increased 100%. Explosion damage maximum reduced from 600 to 300. Explosion radius reduced from 10 to 5 meters. Ignites enemies for 150 damage over 5 seconds.
MeiEndothermic BlasterFrozen ground increases Mei's movement speed by 20%.
BlizzardEffect is centered around Mei. Roots enemies instead of stunning.
PharahRocket LauncherDirect impacts grant 15 overhealth, up to a maximum of 45 health.
Rocket BarrageJump Jet and Jet Dash abilities can be activated during Rocket Barrage.
SymmetraTeleporterForcibly teleports players. Duration reduced from 10 to 5 seconds.
Sentry TurretNo longer tracks enemy targets and continuously fires a straight beam. Damage per second increased from 35 to 80. Movement speed slow increased from 15 to 25%.
TorbjörnDeploy TurretUpgrades to Level 3 while the Overload ability is active.
Venture Tectonic ShockMaximum duration increased from 7 to 10 seconds. Has damage falloff from 150 maximum down to 110 minimum damage.
Lifeweaver's two Petal Platforms can prove quite useful (Image via esports.gg)
Lifeweaver's two Petal Platforms can prove quite useful (Image via esports.gg)

Overwatch 2 Community Crafted Mode support changes

AnaNow has Exo Boots passiveHold crouch to jump higher.
Biotic RifleReload time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds.
BaptisteExo BootsGrants increased movement speed while in the air.
BrigitteShield BashGrants Brigitte 30% movement speed for 2 seconds after the ability ends, and no longer stops any current momentum when it ends.
InspireShows Brigitte's icon on your HUD when you are currently being healed by Inspire.
IllariHealing PylonHas 2 charges. Healing reduced from 30 per shot to 20 per shot.
LifeweaverThorn VolleyDamage per projectile increased from 6 to 7. Weapon swap speed increased by 100%.
Life GripCooldown reduced from 19 seconds to 15 seconds.
Petal PlatformHas 2 charges. Jump height boost increased by 50%.
LúcioSonic AmplifierDamage per projectile increased from 18 to 22.
Sound BarrierProvides more Overhealth based on Lucio's fall time, scaling up to 100% bonus Overhealth if falling for 1 or more seconds.
KirikoSwift StepCan be used when no ally is targeted. When used this way, do a directional teleport and have a reduced cooldown of 50%.
MercyGuardian AngelCooldown reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second.
ResurrectCast time reduced from 1.75 seconds to 1 second. Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 18 seconds. Allies resurrected are only temporarily alive for 10 seconds.
ValkyrieResets Resurrect cooldown.
MoiraBiotic GraspNow can deal critical damage to enemies while aiming directly at their head.
ZenyattaTranscendenceNow grants Zenyatta full flight.
Snap Kick (Passive)No longer knocks back enemies. If Zenyatta hits the environment, he will knock himself back.

That's all for now. Which heroes are you excited to try out in this returning game mode? Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates!