Who’s a good Slicer?
The new Quicksilver Sombra skin has arrived in Overwatch 2. It's an epic skin that's available in the weekly shop rotation. The bundle for it includes a new Sombra emote that lets you pet a hacked Slicer bot! Read on for our guide on how to unlock Sombra's Pet Slicer emote and the Quicksilver Sombra skin in Overwatch 2!

Overwatch 2 Sombra emote lets you pet the dog
To obtain the Pet Slicer emote, launch Overwatch 2 and visit the in-game shop. Next, scroll down a bit and select the "Quicksilver Sombra Bundle." This bundle includes the Quicksilver Sombra skin, the adorable Pet Slicer emote, Found a Bug voice line, and Melting Grasp spray.

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How to unlock the Quicksilver Sombra skin in Overwatch 2
You can get the entire Quicksilver Sombra Bundle for 1,400 Overwatch Coins. If you only want the hero's epic skin, then head to the main menu, select "Heroes," choose Sombra, and purchase the skin for 1,000 Overwatch Coins. Additionally, If you're a fan of the Pet Slicer emote, then it can be purchased by itself as well. It requires 500 Overwatch Coins.
Here's the list of items included in the Quicksilver Sombra Bundle:
- Epic Quicksilver Sombra skin
- Epic Pet Slicer emote
- Common Found a Bug voice line
- Common Melting Grasp spray
Below are screenshots of these items:

You can get more in-game currency by clicking the "+" icon near the top-right side of the shop. Then, select the amount you wish to purchase and complete the transaction. Another way to obtain Overwatch Coins is through Microsoft Rewards.
That's all for now. Stay tuned on esports.gg for more Overwatch 2 news and updates!