It’s time to get groovy with Mei!
There's a legendary skin for Mei that's up for grabs in the weekly Overwatch 2 shop rotation! Here's how to get groovy and unlock the Flower Child Mei skin for your collection.

How to get the Flower Child Mei skin in Overwatch 2
To add this skin to your collection, launch Overwatch 2 and head to the in-game shop. Next, select the "Flower Child Mei Bundle" and get it for 2,200 Overwatch Coins. This bundle includes the legendary skin, Grooving emote, and Sunflower weapon charm.
The legendary skin goes well with the Grooving emote, but if you only want the skin by itself, then you can purchase it for just 1,900 Overwatch Coins. To do this, visit Mei in the hero gallery, scroll through her skins, and buy it.

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Overwatch 2 Battle for Olympus skins and more
In addition to the Mei bundle, the weekly shop rotation also showcases ones for Ana and Hanzo. Meanwhile, the Widowmaker, Reinhardt, and Roadhog bundles feature returning Battle for Olympus skins

You can access all of these bundles through either the in-game shop or the website. In the latter scenario, just visit the Overwatch 2 section and browse through the weekly offerings.
If you want more Battle for Olympus action, then be sure to check out the current Overwatch 2 Anniversary event. Week 1 of this event features the Battle for Olympus and Winter Wonderland game modes. You have until Sept. 26 to complete the challenges for Week 1.

That's all for now. Stay tuned on for more Overwatch 2 news, guides, and updates!