How to emote thanks in Overwatch 2

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Here’s how to thank a player and complete the Giddy Gratitude challenge.

The limited-time Balanced Overwatch game mode, also known as the Overwatch 2 April Fools' Day mode, arrives with a bunch of challenges and rewards. One of the challenges requires you to thank a player during a match. Therefore, read on for our quick guide on how to emote thanks in Overwatch 2!

How to emote thanks in Overwatch 2

  1. Enter an Overwatch 2 game
  2. Aim at a hero
  3. Bring up your communication menu
  4. Select the "Thanks" option
How to emote thanks in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
How to emote thanks in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

To thank another player for the Overwatch 2 April Fools’ Day event challenge, simply enter a match, aim at a hero, and quickly bring up your communication menu. Next, select the "Thanks" option. Since the Giddy Gratitude challenge doesn't require you to thank your teammates, you can even communicate with an enemy player to complete it.

How to communicate with other players (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
How to communicate with other players (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

How to bind the emote wheel in Overwatch 2

  1. Visit Overwatch 2's main menu
  2. Press the "Esc Menu" button
  3. Click on the "Options" button
  4. Select the "Controls" tab
  5. Choose the "Communication" option
  6. Customize your emote wheel under that section
The emote wheel in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The emote wheel in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

How you bring up your Overwatch 2 communication menu to thank another player depends on your in-game settings. For example, the screenshot above uses "X" to bring up this menu. Our screenshot also goes over the different options that you can have on your communication wheel. Meanwhile, the screenshot below features the default options.

Communication controls in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Communication controls in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Overwatch 2 communication wheel

  1. Acknowledge
  2. Attacking
  3. Countdown
  4. Defending
  5. Emote (Up)
  6. Enemy
  7. Fall Back
  8. Go
  9. Going In
  10. Goodbye
  11. Group Up
  12. Hello
  13. Incoming
  14. Need Healing/Help
  15. Need Help
  16. No
  17. On My Way
  18. Press the Attack
  19. Push Forward
  20. Ready
  21. Sorry
  22. Thanks
  23. Ultimate Status
  24. Voice Line (Up)
  25. Watching Here
  26. With You
  27. Yes
  28. You Are Welcome
Overwatch 2 communication wheel (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Overwatch 2 communication wheel (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

In addition to "thanks," there are a lot of other options in the communication wheel. Don't forget about key binds to make communication faster and easier as well. You can customize your communication method for every Overwatch 2 hero or specific ones. To do the latter, simply click on the "Change Hero" button under the "Controls" and "Communication" areas and select a hero.

How to customize your settings (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
How to customize your settings (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

That's all for now. Stick around on for more news, guides, and updates!