Overwatch 2 has overall short queue times but there’s a few things to keep in mind if you want to avoid longer waits.
Overwatch 2 has carried over the role queue from the original game, meaning that players have to select either DPS, support, or tank ahead of the game. Depending on which role you select, the queue time may be different depending how many other people are waiting for each role.
When Overwatch 2 first launched, players were stunned by the astonishingly long wait times. Some people found themselves waiting behind over 30,000 other players. By now, however, the queue times are a lot better. Here are the average times you'll wait for each role.
Quick Play queue times
Right now, queue times for Quick Play are relatively fast. You will most likely be able to get into a game in under one minute — a little longer if you select tank. This is due to their only being one tank per team and the addition of Ramattra in Season 2.

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Competitive queue times
If you are in the lower ranks — about Gold and below — you should be able to get into a game in about two minutes. It will take longer the higher you climb in rank since there are fewer people. Beyond Diamond, there might be some longer queue times to consider.

What impacts queue time in Overwatch 2?
There are a few things to consider when guessing the average queue time in Overwatch 2. First, you should keep the location and time in mind. For example, if you're in California and decide to join a game at 5 AM PST, you'll most likely have a longer queue time because less people are awake.
Another thing to consider is if you're squadding up. If you're in a five-stack, you might end up with longer queue times than if you solo queue. That's because the game is attempting to find other squads to make the match more balanced.