Blizzard reveals full Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft crossover trailer!

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Here’s the full trailer breakdown and what you can expect in the collaboration!

Blizzard just posted the Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft collaboration trailer. The video features new skins for Widowmaker, Torbjorn, Reinhardt, and Zenyatta. Read on for the full Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft trailer and details!

Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft collaboration trailer

Here is the full trailer for the Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft crossover. The video kicks off with Torbjorn pushing the payload before Reinhardt appears in his Lich King skin. Reinhardt says the iconic "Frostmourne hungers" line.

Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft collaboration trailer screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft collaboration trailer screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

As the payload continues to move, Widowmaker appears in her Sylvanas Windrunner skin. We can hear the Banshee Queen's scream before she arrives in front of the payload.

Widowmaker Sylvanas in the Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft crossover (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Widowmaker Sylvanas in the Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft crossover (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft crossover details

Next, it's Zenyatta's time to shine. He's decked out in his Thrall skin! Just like the Lich King and Sylvanas, Thrall is another iconic character from the World of Warcraft universe. Thrall used to be the Warchief of the Horde like Sylvanas.

Zenyatta representing Thrall in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Zenyatta representing Thrall in Overwatch 2 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Then, Torbjorn's Diamond Magni Bronzebeard skin gets the spotlight. If you're a fan of World of Warcraft lore and are familiar with the Northrend campaign, then Magni Bronzebeard's appearance alongside Sylvanas and the Lich King — also known as Arthas Menethil at the time — makes a lot of sense.

The Diamond Magni Torbjorn skin (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
The Diamond Magni Torbjorn skin (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Finally, the trailer wraps up by showcasing all four heroes in their Overwatch 2 World of Warcraft skins. According to Blizzard, this crossover event kicks off on Sept. 17.

That's all for now. Are you excited to represent either the Horde or the Alliance in Overwatch 2? Stick around on for more news and updates!