Here’s what you need to know about this new troop’s talents, traits, and cost.

One of Warcraft Rumble's newest minis is the Treant. Read on for all of this unit's talents and traits! We also go over the cost of it plus other details.

Composting talent screenshot in Warcraft Rumble (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Composting talent screenshot in Warcraft Rumble (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Warcraft Rumble Treant talents

In Warcraft Rumble, the Treant's talents are Composting, Propagation, and Uproot. While Composting heals nearby units upon the Treant's death, Propagation summons a couple of extra Treants for every three gold spent on deployment. As for Uproot, it roots the target upon the Treant's death.

Talent Name
CompostingOn death, heal nearby minis.
PropagationSummon 2 extra Treants at your base for every 3 gold spent on deployment.
UprootOn death, root the target for 3 seconds.
Propagation talent screenshot in Warcraft Rumble (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Propagation talent screenshot in Warcraft Rumble (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Warcraft Rumble Treant traits

At launch, deployment consumes all of a player's current gold. In terms of this troop's traits, they are Squad, Armored, Surge, and Vulnerable. This troop is also part of the Cenarion family, , which means it joins the likes of Ancient of War, Moonkin, Bog Beast, Faerie Dragon, and more.

Deploy CostConsumes all current gold
TraitsSquad, Armored, Surge, Vulnerable
Treant gameplay screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Treant gameplay screenshot (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Warcraft Rumble Cenarion minis

Below is a list of all of the current Cenarion units, including the new Treant one. While the majority of these are troops, this family does have leader units such as Cenarius himself and Ysera the Dreamer.

Cenarion Mini
Ancient of WarTroop
Earth and MoonTroop
Bog BeastTroop
Faerie DragonTroop
Onu, Ancient of LoreLeader
Ysera the DreamerLeader

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