Warcraft Rumble introduces Stormwind Siege in Season 6

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Here’s everything to know about Stormwind Siege in Warcraft Rumble!

Warcraft Rumble will soon kick off Season 6 with its inaugural siege feature! Read on for the Warcraft Rumble Stormwind Siege details, including the Stormwind Siege release date, bosses, and rewards.

General Marcus Jonathan from Warcraft Rumble's Stormwind Siege (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
General Marcus Jonathan from Warcraft Rumble's Stormwind Siege (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

What are sieges in Warcraft Rumble?

Sieges in Warcraft Rumble refer to co-op adventures involving three missions. These missions also bite-sized ones. They involve you and a guild member capturing different locations in Warcraft. Stormwind Siege, in particular, is the game's first siege event.

Siege Bosses3 bosses in total
Sigils Required90 sigils needed
Maximum Level22 (Players above this level are synced down)
Minimum Level17 to 18 (General Marcus Jonathan), 18 to 19 (Innkeeper Allison), 19 to 20 (Highlord Bolvar Fordragon)

Warcraft Rumble Stormwind Siege release date

You have between May 29 at 11 a.m. PDT and June 5 at 10:59 a.m to start laying siege. Stormwind Siege begins with a battle at the gates of Stormwind. Then, you must take over the Gilded Rose Inn before Stormwind Keep.

Warcraft Rumble Stormwind Siege boss Innkeeper Allison (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Warcraft Rumble Stormwind Siege boss Innkeeper Allison (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Warcraft Rumble Stormwind Siege bosses

Stormwind Siege Boss
General Marcus JonathanGates of Stormwind200 Valor
Innkeeper AllisonGilded Rose InnMega Leader Tome
Highlord Bolvar FordragonStormwind KeepWildcard Slot

Stormwind Siege has three bosses in total. They are General Marcus Jonathan, Innkeeper Allison, and Highlord Bolvar Fordragon. These bosses are located at the gates of Stormwind, the Gilded Rose Inn, and Stormwind Keep respectively.

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon as Stormwind Siege boss (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon as Stormwind Siege boss (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Warcraft Rumble Stormwind Siege rewards

In terms of the rewards, they include 200 Valor, a Mega Leader Tome, plus a Wildcard Slot. "Use Valor to upgrade a Gold Army Slot to Diamond. Diamond Army Slots will grant +4 levels to a Mini," Blizzard explained in an official post.

The post also described the Wildcard Slot reward, noting that it "will affect the third slot of a Leader’s army and allows any Mini placed there to activate the trait bonus for additional levels."

That's all for now. Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates!