A new hero will arrive in the Land of Dawn.
Moonton has announced the launch of its next hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB). Zhuxin, the Beacon of Spirits, will be MLBB's 125th hero set to arrive in the Land of Dawn very soon. Check out Zhuxin's release date below!
When is Zhuxin's release date in MLBB?
Zhuxin is scheduled for release on June 29th.
We'll have about three more weeks before Zhuxin enters the Official Server. Players have received teases about the new MLBB hero from two months ago in the Advanced Server (test server). It seems that a lot of players are loving Zhuxin's visual, persona, and powerful abilities.
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A look at the new MLBB hero - Zhuxin

Zhuxin is an upcoming Mage hero in MLBB. Her ability kit comprises high magical damage and powerful crowd control (CC) making her suitable for the Mid Lane. Her basic attacks are ranged but her abilities will need a closer range combat to execute.
A mysterious young woman who uses a spiritual lantern to guide ember butterflies.
Here is a summary of Zhuxin's unique ability kit! Zhuxin can slow down enemy movement while boosting her own. She has a powerful area of effect (AoE) damaging ability that can also dislocate enemies! Her magical spells have a high mana consumption rate but her passive ability can help accumulate a high mana regen to help counter the issue. Her ultimate lets her blink freely and collect a quicker stack of spells which lets her use her highest-damage ability more.

The new MLBB hero looks great to play and many players are excited to try out her unique crowd control ability. If you want to join in on the wait, buckle up as we wait for Zhuxin's release date which is on the horizon. We'll keep you updated with more updates regarding the new hero and anything MLBB here on esports.gg!