Dislyte Javid quiz answers

Amy Chen

Amy Chen


5 min read

Here are all of the correct Dislyte Esper Pop Quiz answers for Javid. Obtain free Gold Records by answering the questions correctly!

Raise your fists in the air! A new Esper will enter Dislyte soon. His name is Javid, and there's a brand-new quiz event to celebrate his arrival. Read on for the Dislyte quiz answers for Javid!

Dislyte Esper Pop Quiz Javid answers (Image via Lilith Games)
Dislyte Esper Pop Quiz Javid answers (Image via Lilith Games)

Dislyte quiz answers for Javid

The answer to "Which mythology is Shamash from?" is option B: Mesopotamian. This is because Javid represents Shamash, the Mesopotamian sun god. Next, the answer to "Who released Javid from imprisonment?" is option C: Yamato. The Sands of Guilt trailer shows this. Finally, the answer to "Which Miracle does the main threat in the story come from?" is option C: Withering Miracle.

  • Esper Pop Quiz Javid answer day 1: Mesopotamian
  • Esper Pop Quiz Javid answer day 2: Yamato
  • Esper Pop Quiz Javid answer day 3: Withering Miracle
Yamato frees Javid from imprisonment (Image via Lilith Games)
Yamato frees Javid from imprisonment (Image via Lilith Games)

Esper Pop Quiz Javid answers

Answering an Esper Pop Quiz in Dislyte correctly results in a free Gold Record. Meanwhile, a wrong answer results in 100 Nexus Crystals, which is worth half a Gold Record.

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To access the quiz, launch Dislyte and visit the top-left corner of the game. Tap on the "Events" icon to see the Javid pop quiz.

Don't forget about the missions that you can complete for extra rewards. These include Stamina, Abilimon, and Starimon. Additionally, you can get some free gold by logging in on a daily basis.

Javid (Shamash) in Dislyte (Image via Lilith Games)
Javid (Shamash) in Dislyte (Image via Lilith Games)

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Javid (Shamash) abilities

According to Javid's Dislyte profile, he is a five-star Infernal Esper and a Fighter Esper. He can target multiple enemies and grant allies AoE damage boosts. Javid's abilities are Divine Wrath, Divine Might, and Eternal Light.

Here are the ability details:

  • Divine Wrath (Ability 1): Attacks 1 enemy based on ATK. Inflicts DEF Down for 2 turns if the target is afflicted with Judgment Seal. Deals Splash Damage to 1 random enemy if the target has a debuff.
  • Divine Might (Ability 2): Attacks all enemies based on ATK. Inflicts Sear for 2 turns. Deals extra True Damage based on enemy Max HP if they are afflicted with Judgment Seal. The True Damage cannot exceed a certain percentage of Javid's ATK. If the target is not afflicted with Judgment Seal, having a chance to inflict Judgment Seal for 2 turns upon landing a Crit.
  • Eternal Light (Ability 3): Gains Sacred Flame for 2 turns. Inflicts Judgment Seal on all enemies for 2 turns. Attacks 1 enemy based on ATK and inflicts Diseased for 3 turns. Then, attacks all enemies based on ATK. Post-Ascension: Inflicts Diseased that can't be resisted.
  • Sacred Flame (Undispellable): Dispels all DoT effects from Javid, including Poison, Bleed, etc., before he launches an attack. Each DoT effect dispelled grants extra damage based on Javid's ATK. Total extra damage cannot exceed a certain percentage of Javid's ATK.
  • Judgment Seal: When the target inflicted with this debuff takes damage, deal Splash Damage to 2 of their teammates randomly. The Splash Damage is also True Damage based on the target's Max HP but cannot exceed a certain percentage of Javid's ATK. Triggers once per turn. Multiple Judgment Seal effects on different targets will be calculated individually.
Javid gameplay screenshot (Image via Lilith Games)
Javid gameplay screenshot (Image via Lilith Games)

That's all for now. Stay tuned on esports.gg for more news and updates!