What are Naafiri’s abilities in League of Legends?

Jordan Marney

Jordan Marney

Here is everything you need to know about Naafiri’s abilities in League of Legends.

Naafiri is the newest champion coming to League of Legends in the near future! And with that announcement, Riot Games posted her abilities on leagueoflegends.com. With a beautiful cinematic trailer earlier in the day, players were given a taste of the horrors to come. Here is everything you need to know about Naafiri's abilities in League of Legends.

From the cinematic, it was evident that Naafiri's kit will center around her pack. Riot has confirmed the name for these creatures, they are called "packmates". These ferocious hounds will be aiding you during your time on Summoners Rift.

Naafiri's abilities in League of Legends

Passive - We Are More

Naafiri spawns Packmates that attack the targets of her attacks and abilities.

Q - Darkin Daggers

Naafiri hurls up to two daggers, each inflicting bleed, or each inflicting bonus damage if the target is already bleeding. Packmates leap to attack champions hit by this skill.

W - Hounds’ Pursuit

Naafiri and her packmates dash at an enemy, colliding with the first champion hit and dealing damage.

E - Eviscerate

Naafiri dashes and damages enemies in an area, recalling and healing her Packmates to full.

Ultimate - The Call of the Pack

Naafiri empowers her pack and spawns additional Packmates, gaining a burst of speed and vision and a shield when she attacks a champion. On first champion takedown, all effects are refreshed.

What is the release date for Naafiri in League of Legends?

At the time of writing this article, Riot has not put out a release date for Naafiri. Riot's track record with releasing champions shortly after an announcement is pretty solid. On June 28, the next PBE patch will be patch 13.13, which means Naafiri should arrive alongside patch 13.14 on July 19.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest League of Legends news and updates.