The Masked Justice skin line features Yone, Senna, and Lucian. They’re out now in the PBE for testing. Are you going to buy them all?
If you love a futuristic and robotic vibe, these skins are perfect for you. The Masked Justice skins are coming to League of Legends in February. They're already out in the public beta environment (PBE), so you can see every detail in-game: animation, colors, and much more.
Masked Justice skins: When do they come out?
According to leaks, the skins will probably come at the end of February. None of them will be legendary, which means they'll cost 1,350 RP or around $11. This skin line features Yone and the couple Senna and Lucian. Yone and Senna's splash art was made by West Studio and Lucian's by Pandart Studio.

Here is the story behind the skin line: "After destroying its homeworld, the mad giant Mezzorax searched the galaxy until it found a new planet to invade: the bustling metropolis of Ocono. But now, an unlikely group of citizens is fighting back. Empowered by alien Hyperguise suits, they will avenge the lives Mezzorax has stolen and end his reign for good."
The Masked Justice skin line announcement came alongside the new mythic variant for Zed — Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed. They will both be released on Feb.20, as Riot Games confirmed. For now, all we can do is wait until they're available at the store.
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Next skins: Dumpling Darlings
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It was announced that we would get Amumu, Syndra, and Seraphine, but the last girl didn't appear in the patch notes. Don't worry, Seraphine mains — she was not forgotten! According to LoLDev on X, there was an issue that is currently being solved. We will get an update on the situation soon!
That's all for now. Stick around for more League of Legends news and updates on