Main roster out, Academy team in for LCS Lock-In. This should be interesting.

People wanting to see how TSM’s new 2022 League roster will have to wait a little bit longer after the storied organization announced that they would be unable to field their LCS team for LCS Lock-In and will instead field their Academy team for the pre-split festive.

In the press release, TSM stated that due to COVID-related issues, the LCS lineup was unable to fully come together as a team to practice for the LCS Lock-In tournament. In particular, international travel restrictions have made it difficult for imports Keaiduo and Shenyi to arrive in Los Angeles in time for the event.

“Rather than create a combined roster of players that are available and have to change them out mid-tournament, we, in consultation with the LCS, have made the decision to utilize our Academy team to participate in the LCS Lock-In tournament.” TSM reasoned.

TSM not the only team with LCS Lock-In Issues

TSM is not the first team to have roster troubles for the LCS Lock-In tournament. Earlier this week, Cloud9 head coach Nick “LS” De Cesare stated that Cloud9 would be unable to field their Korean players for the LCS Lock-In tournament due to visa issues. Though, contrary to TSM’s approach, Cloud9 will be fielding a mix of Academy and LCS roster players.

“We have been working for weeks to find a solution to this challenge, and are excited to find an option that gives both teams the opportunity to prepare together, and allows us to participate in Lock In, where we’re excited to showcase our Academy team.” The official statement read.

Image via Riot Flickr
Image via Riot Flickr

TSM will have an opportunity to grant some of their younger Academy players more experience against LCS level talents without any risk.  

As for the main lineup, TSM FTX will compete in the 2022 LCS Spring Split which will begin on February 5th, following the  LCS Lock-In Tournament which begins on January 14th. (LCS Lock-in Schedule)

Until then, stay tuned to for the latest League of Legends news and updates.