The new season brought light over a wide list of broken champions to play during the new meta. Here is the list you were looking for.
New season, new losing streak? That can't be right! With a new patch welcoming many changes, new objectives, and strategies, it's time to evaluate who the most broken champions of the season are. Here are the top 10 most broken champions you should definitely be playing right now.
10. Elise
In the weirdest role ever, Elise is destroying games playing support. This patch was perfect for her in this role since she got a lot of power early on for team fights, especially when she was level three. She can fight, she can dive (even with the towers being stronger) and she can be very useful in getting your enemies out of the objectives. Players have been demanding a nerf for her in this role already.
9. Corki
Corki is slowly making his patch to the top. With so many changes during the last months, Corki has been a beast in bot lane. Even if the enemy ADC has already an item, Corki will always be stronger, and more oppressive than anyone else. Finding a first blood won't be difficult, especially with an engage support like Rell, Nautilus, or Leona. This is a meta for champs who can easily get kills and be strong since the very first minute of the game.
8. Twitch
Twitch is one of the most broken champions in the game right now. With the Axiom Archanist, Twitch can destroy his enemy since he deals a lot of damage with his ultimate. Twitch in a team fight can melt his enemies in seconds. He's so strong right now with so much cooldown reduction on his R. Pair him with peel supports like Lulu, Yummi, Soraka, or Milio, get him in a team fight, heal him constantly, and he will destroy everyone.
7. Brand
The man of fire and his incredible power during team fights proved to be broken during this new meta. More in the mid-lane, these early-game AP mages are perfect for Athakan, Void Grubs, or Drake team fights. They are so impactful due to their constant damage that they're perfect to destroy every objective and secure your team a huge advantage. With two items, Brand is already a beast in-game.
6. Nunu & Willump
Nothing better from a champion with so much mobility than a patch with early-on objectives and importance on getting first kills. Nunu is perfect for this patch and it will probably be abused a lot in low elo. It is also very strong due to its AOE damage, easiness of defeating epic monsters (since her Q ability deals 1200 damage, almost like a second smite), and getting to your enemies super quickly.
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5. Amumu
This is a perfect patch for those junglers who love to make a huge impact on team fights. Amumu is another one who truly gains with this patch because of the new epic monster: Athakan. With an impactful ultimate in area, he can easily gain control in the Athakan fights as well as team fights. This season, you might be seeing ability power (AP) Amumu more often.
4. Warwick
Warwick has been pretty loved by Riot Games lately. Our wolf came to conqueror this season as an amazing jungler due to this high mobility and capability of ganks early on. A lot of snowballing and chances to create plays to get either objectives or first bloods. Warwick is one of those champions who wants things done and fast.
3. Lux
One of the most played champions in the world is also one of the biggest benefactors of the new patch. The Axiom Arcanist being added to the game brought Lux to a spiral of constant cooldown reduction and damage. The rune combo between Axiom Arcanist and Ultimate Hunter made Lux even more impactful in the game, special in the mid-lane. If your team secures the Feast of Strength, your Lux will be a beast.
2. Irelia
Irelia was always strong. However, this patch made her one of the most broken champions in the top lane. Irelia benefits a lot from the new early objectives and tasks. She is very powerful at the beginning of the game, threatening the enemy's chances to get a first blood. Irelia has a lot of snowball power and the Hullbreaker makes her even more scary. Since she is not an easy champion to learn, she might be not very present in the low elo matches.
1. Wukong
Wukong is one of the strongest champions in this patch. In the S tier of junglers for this meta, Wukong is perfect for early kills and ganks. You have such an incredible burst, sustained damage, and CC. It's probably that Wukong will be nerfed in the next patches due to his power early game. He is being quite used in the low elo matches.
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