Another day, another confirmation that Arcane won’t be renewed to a third season. According to Tryndamere, that was always the goal.
Marc Merrill, also known by the League of Legends community as Tryndamere (that gave the name to the champion), recently wrote on Reddit about the reason the Arcane will only have two seasons. According to him, that was always the goal.
The co-founder of Riot Games and one of the developers behind League of Legends, addressed the most recent disappointment from some fans about Arcane ending with only two seasons since many of them argue that there’s more potential and story to keep the show going.

Tryndamere addressed these comments saying that, internally, “there was a budget conversation about ‘approving 5 seasons’ – which simply means we were setting aside a bunch of money for lots of investment”. He keeps going on saying, “the creative and making something great is what the priority should always be for Riot and our team”.
More stories to tell in League of Legends
Later on, Tryndamere confirmed Riot Games has the intention to go through other stories “and to expand the universe”. If you are not aware, League of Legends has more than 160 champions with lore, regions with unique systems, and background stories. “That hasn’t ever changed – people just jump at rumors or misleading headlines and Riot didn’t correct them – but given those rumors gained momentum, [I’m] happy to clarify”.
“Just because that is our intent, doesn’t mean it’s easy or that we can pump these things out like factory – just like making games that are worthy of player's time/love is really hard, so too telling great stories and making incredible show/films (especially when we are building it from scratch for the first time)”, Tryndamere adds.
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Arcane budget conversations: “You’re complaining about playing talent”
The Riot co-founder also addressed the conversations about the high budget of producing Arcane season two. “The ‘lol @ the cost’ of Arcane arguments are silly from our perspective – as people have correctly pointed out the cost per minute of Arcane is about 1/3 to 1/4 of what Illumination / Pixar films cost. The market for this (‘high-quality adult focused animation’) didn’t exist before Arcane so Hollywood has a hard time getting their head around why we would do this”, he adds. He clarifies saying this was the feedback Riot Games received from distribution partners for Arcane.
As for the Arcane’s budget, Tryndamere guarantees that all the investment goes to “talent, concept artists, voice actors, sound designers, storyboarders, composers, etc.”, besides the fact that every Arcane animation alone “makes up to 80% of the budget, because we hand animate every frame to hit this type of quality”.
Tryndamere criticizes everyone addressing how high the investment is since they are going against paying “talent and complaining about us putting art first”.
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