Riot to add servers in the Middle East ahead of the Esports World Cup



Long overdue!

Riot Games plans to add servers to the Middle East later this year. The Game publisher also plans to localize the game in Arabic much to the delight of MENA fans. With an improved ping and a localized game, the MENA region is all set to see renewed interest in Riot's games.

Riot Games to add new servers in MENA

Riot Games plans to add more League of Legends servers for players in the Middle East. More servers will provide improved connectivity and lower ping for players from the region. Furthermore, the game client will also feature Arabic localization - which will focus on linguistic nuances and champion voiceover. 

No one likes whiffing a skillshot or missing their pick on the carousel, so we're excited for players in the Middle East to play League and TFT with significantly reduced ping starting soon (™). 

The game publisher has not announced an exact release date, but fans can expect some updates soon. With the Esports World Cup set to take place in Summer this year, it is the perfect opportunity to provide something joyous for players from the region.

Something long overdue

Riot Games operates its MENA offices via Dubai, but the office has mostly focused on publishing work till now. With new servers, League of Legends players in the region can expect lower ping and better gameplay experience. 

This announcement is not something new, but long-overdue for players from the region. Back during their ten-year anniversary, Riot Games had first unveiled plays to add servers for players from the region.

It’s been nearly five years since the original announcement, but it seems things are finally in motion. Riot Games also announced plans to allow Teamfight Tactics and League of Legends players and teams to participate in the Esports World Cup 2024. The move, Riot says, will allow participating teams to have more revenue sources as well as bring Tier 1 competition to MENA fans. 

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