We had a chat with Elyoya about British food, the early game against T1, and how he got his name.

Ahead of preparing to face off against G2 Esports in the elimination bracket of the bracket stage at the Mid Season Invitational (MSI 2023) event, we caught up with Javier "Elyoya" Prades Batalla to hear his thoughts on facing T1.

Despite a disappointing loss to T1 on the first day of the bracket stage, MAD Lions players showed signs of life. The team pushed T1 completely off balance following a European-dominated early game — something which T1 is most certainly not used to. MAD Lions showed up well against an anticipated winner of the tournament, bringing their scrappy style to the international stage while staying on the home soil of Europe.

Elyoya on playing T1 and big names as scary competition

Question: Many of the other players have described T1 as a candidate to win MSI. Does knowing this make an opponent scarier to go up against?

Elyoya: It does make them scarier, but any team at this MSI is just really strong anyway. So it doesn’t necessarily make a team like T1 any scarier than the other also really strong teams. Gen.G looks as strong. So do JDG and BLG.

Any Bo5 we play is going to be really tough because of the strength of the teams. I think because T1 is a candidate and a strong team generally, that makes them scary not because they are really hyped by other people, but we know how they are and how good we are, too.

Elyoya setting up on stage to face off against T1 (Image via Colin Young-Wolff and Riot Games)
Elyoya setting up on stage to face off against T1 (Image via Colin Young-Wolff and Riot Games)

Question: You were able to get ahead in the early game, especially in game one. This is obviously very rare for T1 to be behind. Were you pleased with this result?

Elyoya: We had expected them to want to dominate the early game, so we had come in with the plan to ensure we could have a good early game as that could make them sweat for the win. We were confident coming into play, and we can’t come into a Bo5 not being confident or expecting to lose. So we did feel confident and we knew we could beat them. How the match went was a bit unlucky, I would say, but yes, it happened.

MAD Lions on stage for day one of the bracket stage (Image via Colin Young-Wolff and Riot Games)
MAD Lions on stage for day one of the bracket stage (Image via Colin Young-Wolff and Riot Games)

Question: What do you think was the reason you fell behind in the mid-game to the point where T1 was able to re-enter the game and take the win?

Elyoya: We had really bad adaptations throughout the series. In game three, we didn’t even think about the Sion being in draft, especially considering we have played against it a lot in Europe and we know how to defend against it. But we just didn’t think about it this time and it got us, you know. We lost a lot — as a result from there, the game just became much harder.

For game two, I would say we had some unlucky early-game skirmishes which made the 2v2 [that] much harder, you know. They killed me, and it was just really impactful. In game two, we made some bad decisions. And then in game three, we just didn’t really play. It felt really bad.

MAD Lions Elyoya on defying the haters and being the underdog

Question: MAD Lions have obviously been very successful, especially with you as the jungle. What would you say to those who doubt that you are one of the strongest teams in Europe?

Elyoya: I don’t really have much to say to those who doubt us. If we keep beating the top teams of the region, it’s for a reason and I don’t think it is a coincidence or lucky. One time may be a coincidence, two times it’s less of a coincidence, three times it's not a coincidence.

We are for sure one of the top teams in the region. I think I'm one of the best players in the region. And if people want to doubt, they can go ahead and I will keep on winning.

EMEA's first seed entering MSI against the LCK second seed of T1 as underdogs (Image via Colin Young-Wolff and Riot Games)
EMEA's first seed entering MSI against the LCK second seed of T1 as underdogs (Image via Colin Young-Wolff and Riot Games)

Question: Does being the underdog in a matchup add pressure to you or is it something that motivates you?

Elyoya: It does for sure, being able to prove other people wrong and show that you are better than what people have thought. It’s always a good motivation, and that was the mindset we came into today with.

Question: You could easily be considered the core of this roster, having been here despite numerous roster changes. Do you feel the need to take on a leadership role on the team or is your role more centered around going even and ensuring your lanes can do well?

Elyoya: I tried holding that role, but I don’t think it really worked as we had expected as we all have different ways of watching the game. And in this team, it can be hard for me to take a leadership role.

So now I just play my game, keep on the same page as everyone else, and focus on myself and my role, and I think that is the best approach I can have at this point.

MAD Lions Elyoya's namesake and British food being not that bad

Question: What does it mean to you to be a pro player?

Elyoya: This is what you play for. Even though these moments right now suck and don’t feel good, coming to international tournaments and playing against the best in the world is what everyone works, plays, and dreams for.

This feeling is what gives me the motivation as a pro player to keep going because the fact is I'm not at that level — they played much better than us, but we still have much to learn and to do and that is what we play for. These events are just unreal.

Question: We've been asking pros if they have tried British food and enjoyed it. As well as what food they would bring from their home countries. So what about you, Elyoya?

Elyoya: We actually have tried some British food. We tried the Sunday roast, which was surprisingly good. My expectations [for British food] coming to London were not great, so it did surprise me a bit. As for a food I would bring, I would always bring paella. I would take that anywhere, but I was surprised by how much I liked the food here.

Elyoya on home soil at MSI 2023 in Europe (Image via Colin Young-Wolff and Riot Games)
Elyoya on home soil at MSI 2023 in Europe (Image via Colin Young-Wolff and Riot Games)

Question: We wanted to ask about your in-game name. Does it have a special story behind it or any specific meaning to you?

Elyoya: I had an interview as a child and I heard that name because someone was called it. And when I started playing, I went in with this name and used it in pro play. But the guy who had this name was not a good person, so I don’t align myself with what he did at all. But the translated meaning is the "one that hits," so it’s a cool name, but I don’t associate with him and I have nothing to do with his actions.

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