Who will be the first elimination in Worlds 2024: GAM Esports or MAD Lions KOI?

The first elimination match between MAD Lions KOI and GAM Esports occurred as both teams entered the 0-2 pool. MDK and GAM battled it out in a best-of-three to see who deserves to remain in the running for the League of Legends (LoL) Worlds 2024.

Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage: MDK vs GAM

LEC #4 seed MDK and VCS #1 seed GAM were drawn to fight each other for their tournament lives after losing 2 best-of-ones in the Swiss Stage. Both MDK and GAM entered Swiss from the Play-Ins, meaning they already had seen their fair share of Worlds 2024 stage time.

Game 1

LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - MDK vs GAM game 1 draft
LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - MDK vs GAM game 1 draft

MAD Lions KOI attempted to repel a GAM dive in botlane that ensued after the lane swap, but it ended up being even. Both teams got 1 kill each, no major gold swing happened, and equal Summoner Spells were traded.

MDK only found a lead after they found several picks. They slowly grew this lead with Ziggs and six Voidgrubs. The next time the teams crashed, GAM buckled and almost got wiped. By 17 minutes, MDK looked had this game in the bag. 21 minutes in, MDK completed the stomp and exploded GAM's Nexus.

Game 2

A pre-game issue resulted in Kennen entering the game with Arcane Comet. This was after league officials determined that it was not a problem with a client.

LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - MDK vs GAM game 2 draft
LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - MDK vs GAM game 2 draft

A fairly eventful early game tipped slightly in MDK's favor after claiming a few kills. These did not go unanswered by GAM though, as Levi brought back his team from the trenches with a well-timed botlane gank.

This continued into the mid-game; MDK would find kills and fights, and GAM would answer back.

The scales tipped when GAM won a big fight 30 minutes in which allowed them to pressure more of the map. In an act of desperation, MDK attempts to catch them off-guard within the GAM jungle but the fight ends up being 0-4 for the EU boys.

As the lead kept getting snowballed, MDK got steamrolled by GAM and took the series to three.

Game 3

LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - MDK vs GAM game 3 draft
LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - MDK vs GAM game 3 draft

For the decider match, GAM elected to leave Yone open once again and answered it with Aurora-Nocturne.

A GAM dive in the botlane post-laneswap went amazingly well for them. This play netted them 2 kills and slingshotted the VCS team ahead in the early game.

They made good use of this small lead and, by 20 minutes, GAM was 6 thousand gold ahead. Supa tried to keep MDK in the game, but it was continuously slipping out of their control as GAM's carries ran over them.

Soon later, MDK could no longer handle GAM, resulting in the first LEC elimination in this Worlds.

This win eliminates MAD Lions KOI as they go 0-3 in Swiss. GAM, on the other hand, live to fight another day.

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