Gen.G is seeking revenge against Hanwha Life Esports.

The League of Legends 2024 World Championship Swiss Stage saw a rematch between Gen.G Esports and Hanwha Life Esports. Arguably two of the best teams in the world, they face each other once again after the GEN vs HLE grand final in LCK.

Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage: HLE vs GEN

LCK #1 and #2 seeds HLE and Gen.G face each other once again. Prior to this match, they both sat at 2-0, undefeated in the Swiss Stage and one best-of-three away from a spot at the quarterfinal.

Game 1

LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - HLE vs GEN game 1 draft
LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - HLE vs GEN game 1 draft

The first game started slowly. Peanut found a small lead in the jungle during the first full clear, but not much else happened. First blood was drawn 9 minutes in after a masterful prediction by Delight caught Peyz off-guard. After this, the second wave of Voidgrubs caused a small kerfuffle between HLE and Gen.G. HLE ended the interaction with 4 grubs total to Gen.G's 2, but neither team took any kills.

The objective standoffs continued and Canyon finally pulled the trigger on his Paranoia. Gen.G claimed their second dragon, two kills, and a Tier-1 tower for their efforts. The gold remained in equilibrium despite both teams throwing punches.

Gen.G opted to take their third dragon to put them one away from Infernal Soul but traded their toplane Tier 2 tower in the process. They then made a snap decision to hit Baron Nashor 21 minutes into the game in response to Peanut showing bot-lane. Delight, however, had other plans and gave Gen.G a taste of the wombo-combo HLE draft. This wipe put Hanwha Life ahead in gold and map pressure, on top of denying Infernal Soul.

The HLE carries of Zeka and Viper were soon too strong for Gen.G to fight. Hanwha Life steamrolled Gen.G with superior teamfighting and took game 1.

Game 2

Game 2 saw Gen.G run their top-side champions back, including the Grasp of the Undying Ahri.

LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - HLE vs GEN game 2 draft
LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - HLE vs GEN game 2 draft

It was a similarly slow-paced game with Gen.G quietly accruing small leads in the form of gold, dragons, and the Voidgrubs. First blood was drawn even later, at 13 minutes, and the scales tipped further in Gen.G's favor. They were promptly punished by Hanwha afterwards which equalized the gold once more.

Gen.G pulled ahead again in the mid-game when they found a couple of picks and towers, but it was nothing substantial and game-deciding. The Aurora, Nocturne, Ahri top-side from Gen.G finally looked viable the second time around. A few more fights that went their way, though, and game 3 looked more of a reality.

Their lead kept snowballing and was converted into a massive gold advantage, an Infernal Drake, and pressure all across the map. After a suffocating game 2 for HLE, the series was pushed to game 3.

Game 3

Gen.G again locked in Aurora-Nocturne-Ahri, back on the red side this time, but had a Twitch in their back pocket.

LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - HLE vs GEN game 3 draft
LoL Worlds 2024 Swiss Stage - HLE vs GEN game 3 draft

The early game is the most exciting it has been, with a positive play for HLE in the bot lane as a result of a lane swap. The first 10 minutes may have been bloody, but the teams were still trading blows with no significant lead on either side. The Twitch was proving to be quite useful, amassing 3 kills in 12 minutes.

Chovy showed his prowess on Ahri one more time, cementing Gen.G's lead in the game as Zeka's Smolder continued to stack up.

A Baron flip at 28 minutes went Gen.G's way, and so did the fight that ensued. Shortly after, Gen.G successfully avenged their loss in the LCK Summer 2024 grand final.

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