What’s your favorite Valentine’s Day themed duo in League of Legends?
Valentine's Day is here, and what's a better way for you and your loved one to spend this day than on Summoner's Rift? Here are three skin pairings on League of Legends you might want to take a spin with your trusty duo.
Best skin pairs in LoL for Valentine's Day
Most of the Valentine's Day-themed skins in LoL, especially the older ones, are considered legacy skins and are normally unavailable. However, LoL has unvaulted all of the Valentine's Day skins for now, so you can pick these skins up if you want to.
Sweetheart Xayah and Rakan
Honestly, any of the Xayah and Rakan skin pairs would work here, but you can drive it up a notch by getting their respective Sweetheart skins.

This duo is practically made for each other. Whichever part of the pair you play, there are clear indications in their kit on when to trade, escape, or engage. Both champions are incredibly slippery and hard to lock down, especially when Xayah hits level 6. Rakan gets a range boost on his E - Battle Dance when targeting Xayah, so you can use this to catch enemies off-guard by closing the gap with E and then engaging with W - Grand Entrance. For higher-level play, make use of the Passive - Lover's Leap which syncs the pair's recall. This can be used to cheat tempo and overstay in lane a little longer to crash the wave.
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Heartthrob Caitlyn and Heartache Vi
Classic CaitVi choice - you can also do this with the pair's two Arcane-themed skins - but these Valentine's skins just set the mood right. Also note that the Vi skin that partners with Heartthrob Caitlyn is Heartache, not to be confused with Heartbreaker Vi.

Vi can flex a little, both as a character and in-game. While jungle remains her most popular role, you might be interested in playing her in the top lane. Get Hail of Blades, build up crit, and time your trades with your Passive - Blast Shield's cooldown. If you're playing her top, though, there might be fewer interactions with your duo than if you were playing jungle instead.
Caitlyn is a little less flexible and she's mostly locked as a bot laner. If you really wanted to, and you think the matchup won't be utter torture, you can make use of her massive attack range in the mid lane. Just make sure you're not playing against Mel - you don't want to end up like Maddie.
Heartseeker Jinx and Yuumi
This is a more gameplay-oriented pair of champions. Yuumi, however, is a good champion for a beginner to play since positioning is almost completely removed from the game. Jinx, as one of the game's strongest AD carries in the game right now, also enjoys having an enchanter semi-permanently attached to her the entire game.

This pairing is fairly straightforward. Yuumi does her best to hit the enemies with Q - Prowling Projectile and swinging trades in their favor with timely uses of E - Zoomies. Jinx will do hypercarry things, waiting to scale and timing fights and trades around her power spikes.
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