Everything to know about the playoff stage of the LoL esports LEC Summer 2024 split.

The playoff stage completes the Summer 2024 split in Europe. To reach it, 10 teams played many matches in the Regular Season, and eight of them proceeded further. There will be a few rounds of LEC Summer 2024 Playoffs, with four qualifying spots to the LEC Finals and one to the League of Legends World Championship 2024 as main rewards.

The matches happen within a three-week period. All the info about them is here — to help you not miss anything interesting.

Where to watch LEC Summer 2024 playoff matches?

The stream of all playoff matches from the LoL esports LEC Summer 2024 split is embedded here.

LEC Summer 2024 Playoffs: Schedule

This stage of the European LoL esports Summer 2024 split starts on Friday, July 12, and continues up to Sunday, July 28.

Tournament stage
Teams and results
Starting time (local, CEST)
Starting time in NA (PT and ET)
Upper-bracket quarter-finals 1 and 2SK 2:0 TH;
Friday, July 125 p.m. and 7 p.m.8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET (match 1);
10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET (match 2)
Upper-bracket quarter-finals 3 and 4FNC 2:1 GX;
G2 2:0 KC
Saturday, July 135 p.m. and 7 p.m.8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET (match 1);
10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET (match 2)
Upper-bracket semi-finals 1 and 2SK 0:2 FNC;
BDS 0:2 G2
Sunday, July 145 p.m. and 7 p.m.8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET (match 1);
10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET (match 2)
Lower-bracket round 1, matches 1 and 2TH 0:0 GX; KC 0:0 MDK
Sunday, July 215 p.m. and 7 p.m.8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET (match 1);
10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET (match 2)
Upper-bracket finalG2 0:0 FNCMonday, July 225 p.m.8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET
Lower-bracket quarter-finals 1 and 2BDS 0:0 TBD;
SK 0:0 TBD
Tuesday, July 235 p.m. and 7 p.m.8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET (match 1);
10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET (match 2)
Lower-bracket semi-finalTBD 0:0 TBDFriday, July 265 p.m.8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET
Lower-bracket finalTBD 0:0 TBDSaturday, July 275 p.m.8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET
Grand finalTBD 0:0 TBDSunday, July 285 p.m.8 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. ET

LEC Summer 2024 Playoffs: Teams, match results, and final standings

Eight LEC League of Legends teams that proceeded to the playoffs from the Regular Season are listed below.

  • SK Gaming (SK)
  • Team BDS (BDS)
  • G2 Esports (G2)
  • Fnatic (FNC)
  • Karmine Corp (KC)
  • Team Heretics (TH)
  • MAD Lions KOI (MDK)

They start playing from the upper-bracket quarter-finals. Four teams all to the lower-bracket round 1. Only one team can be the LEC Summer 2024 champion.

Initial matches are Bo3. Starting from the loser bracket semi-final, the teams play Bo5. We will add the LEC Summer 2024 playoff results to the table when matches are over.

Upper-bracket quarter-finals

Team 1
Team 2
SK Gaming2:0Team HereticsSK Gaming
Team BDS2:1MAD Lions KOITeam BDS
G2 Esports2:0Karmine CorpG2 Esports

SK Gaming confidently defeated Team Heretics in the opening match of LEC Summer 2024 Playoffs. Heretics got a pretty good start of game 2, but SK won a wonderful team fight around the Dragon and secured Baron. There was no comeback from that point for TH. SK Gaming looked so much better at team fights, and they proceeded to the upper-bracket semi-final.

MAD Lions KOI surprised with their game 1 vs Team BDS. They won it, and looked quite strong at the beginning of game 2. But then, after some really good team fights, BDS proved they were better in the Regular Season for a reason. Game 3 treated us to one of the most incredible comebacks in LoL esports. MDK were so ahead in gold and kills, but BDS managed to win a crucial fight and compensate for that. It wasn't enough, though. MDK recovered a bit and tried to siege the opponents' Nexus, but they lost the momentum, Baron, their base, and the whole match. Team BDS wins this amazing series 2:1.

GIANTX were close to breaking their head-to-head record vs Fnatic. They won a few key moments in otherwise pretty even game 1. But that one point in the score was all they could get. Fnatic recovered and eventually won the match — to play vs SK Gaming in the upper-bracket semi-final.

G2 Esports and Karmine Corp had an unexpectedly close (and long) game 1. G2 were bleeding, but they still won. In game 2, G2 Esports were in control, and they confirmed their status of the best LoL esports team in LEC.

Upper-bracket semi-finals

Team 1
Team 2
SK Gaming0:2FnaticFnatic
Team BDS0:2G2 EsportsG2 Esports

Fnatic outplayed SK Gaming in the first semi-final. SK sure gave some good fights and secured some objectives. But Fnatic were slightly better at various aspects, from draft to individual plays. Fnatic proceeded to the upper-bracket final.

G2 played a very disciplined, well-planned League of Legends in their match against Team BDS. They were focused on gaining objectives and leveling-up the champions. BDS responded with flashy ambushes and good kills, but when the moments came, G2 just started their offense on the opponents' base and destroyed the Nexus. G2 won to play vs Fnatic in the upper-bracket final of the LEC Summer 2024.

Lower-bracket round 1

Team 1
Team 2
Team Heretics0:0GIANTX
Karmine Corp0:0MAD Lions KOI

Upper-bracket final

Team 1
Team 2
G2 Esports0:0Fnatic

Lower-bracket quarter-finals

Team 1
Team 2
Team BDS0:0TBD
SK Gaming0:0TBD

Lower-bracket semi-final

Team 1
Team 2

Lower-bracket final

Team 1
Team 2

Grand final

Team 1
Team 2

Final standings

So far, all the teams are on the same level, with (theoretically) equal chances to reach the top. We will add the standings after the initial stages of LEC Summer 2024 Playoffs.

The first team gets a direct invite to the League of Legends World Championship. Top four teams qualify for the LEC Finals 2024.

Routines and surprises of the LEC Summer 2024 Regular Season

The Regular Season of the LEC Summer 2024 split featured a few waves of Bo1 matches. This format leaves no space for mistakes, and therefore it brought some pretty unusual results.G2 had a somewhat shaky start to that stage.

The best League of Legends team in Europe lost a few matches — many considered that a post-effect after the MSI 2024, and some called that content games. G2 Esports still recovered in the second half of the Regular Season.

Fnatic was surprisingly good, destroying almost everyone on their way. But their finishing matches turned out to be tough. At the same time, MAD Lions KOI fell to the bottom of the general standings, losing one match after another. They qualified for the playoffs only thanks to their victory over Rogue and then tie-breaker matches.

SK Gaming and Team BDS finished on the top with the best results at the LEC Summer 2024 Regular Season. That also was somewhat surprising, as they finished higher than G2 and Fnatic.

Team Vitality had a disastrous Regular Season. After finishing LEC Spring 2024, they couldn’t qualify for the playoffs. Their last chance was destroyed in tie-breaker matches vs MAD Lions KOI

The format of this stage is rather forgiving. For most participants, the general results are mainly expected and even routine. 

Only two teams couldn't proceed to the Playoffs: Team Vitality and Rogue. For everyone else, the real competition starts with the quarter-finals, and the Regular Season was rather intense training.

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