Old friends Lethal Tempo and Ultimate Spellbook return, and items are overhauled once again.
League of Legends patch 14.19 is here with Ultimate Spellbook, the return of Lethal Tempo, and a lot of changes to items. Check out what's new in LoL 14.19 here.
League of Legends patch 14.19
There are not a lot of champion changes in this patch, but the item changes plus Lethal Tempo coming back more than makes up for it.

The Fright Night skins for Veigar, Nunu & Willump, Shaco, Pyke, Zeri (+Prestige), and Worlds 2024 Viego will be available on Sept. 25. Eligible players will get Victorious Sona a few days into Split 3.
Ultimate Spellbook is back!
Ultimate Spellbook is back with Ultimate Ammo and the option to swap ultimates mid-game. Check out what's new in our short video:
Ultimate Spellbook will be live until Nov. 5.
New honor system
You can now honor more than one player in the game. You can honor enemies again, too.
Split 3 QoL abilities
Item queueing
The Item Queue feature is shipping. You can now queue a legendary item and see your progress toward it in the HUD.
Jungle warning
Before 14 minutes, when a player enters champion combat in their own jungle, their team receives a light audio cue and mini-map ping. This has a 20-second cooldown.
Tower gold
To earn gold, you or anything you summoned must either deal damage within the last 10 seconds or you must be within 1,200 units of the tower.
Apart from Lethal Tempo, other minor runes are getting minor changes. These are Presence of Mind, Shield Bash, and Biscuit Delivery.
Lethal Tempo
Lethal Tempo has been reworked and added back into the Precision tree.
- Tempo Change: Attacking an enemy champion grants a stack of Lethal Tempo for 6 seconds, up to 6 stacks. Each stack grants 5% Melee / 4% Ranged Attack Speed. At max stacks, attacks also fire a note that deals 9-30 Melee / 6-24 Ranged, increased by 1% per 1% bonus Attack Speed, as bonus adaptive damage.
- Tracking: Lethal Tempo now tracks how many of your attacks against champions are Perfectly Timed (Perfectly Timed: Attacks launched within 0.25 seconds of when your attack is ready after previously attacking a champion).
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Champion changes in LoL 14.19
Elise is getting a lot of QoL updates on her abilities.
- Passive - Spider Queen
- Spiderlings always regenerate to full health when resummoned
- Spiderlings jump on Q spell cast rather than waiting for Elise to land on target
- Spider Form Q - Venomous Bite
- Target gets revealed for a short duration while Elise gets to them
- Human Form E - Cocoon
- Now reveals stealthed units and shares its duration with stun duration
- You can now Flash during the cast to redirect Cocoon
- Spider Form E - Rappel
- Rappel Buff is now always applied after descending
- After 1 second in the air, Elise can recast E or target the ground to immediately drop back at her location.
- R - Spider Form
- Cooldown: 4 >>> 3
K'Sante rework number 755.
- Base Stats
- Attack Range: 175 >>> 150
- Passive - Dauntless Instinct
- Damage: 5-20 (+1/1.33/1.66/2% target's maximum health) (based on level)
- No longer deals True Damage while All Out
- No longer deals increased damage while All Out
- No longer grants 25 attack range against marked target
- Now causes K'Sante's attacks abilities, and passive to deal an additional 1% (+1% per 100 bonus resists) of the target's maximum health as physical damage while All Out
- Q - Ntofo Strikes
- Mana Cost: 28/26/24/22/20 >>> 20
- Damage: 30/55/80/105/130 (+40% AD) (+30% bonus resistances) >>> 70/100/130/160/190 (+35% bonus resistances)
- Cooldown: 3.5-1.75s (from 0-250 bonus resistances) >>> 3.5-2 (from 0-120 bonus resistances)
- All Out Cooldown Modifier: Reduced by 1 second with a 1.33 second minimum >>> Reduced by 33%
- Cast Time: 0.45 - 0.25 (from 0-1600 bonus health) >>> 0.45 seconds - 0.35 seconds (from 0-120 bonus resistances)
- No longer has reduced cast time while All Out
- Once again slows enemies hit while All Out
- Width: 150 >>> 100
- Removed 100 unit circle hitbox around K'Sante for Q1
- No longer resets upon casting R
- W - Path Maker
- Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 (+50% AD) (+85% bonus resistances) (+6/7/8/9/10% target's maximum health) >>> 40/60/80/100/120 (+8% (+2% per 100 bonus resistances) target's maximum health)
- Now deals a maximum of 180/260/340/420/500 damage against monsters
- Cooldown: 24/22/20/18/16 >>> 14/13/12/11/10
- Minimum Cast Time: 0.75 >>> 0.4
- Maximum Cast Time: 1.5 >>> 1
- Will now go partial distance if not fully charged
- Stun Duration: 1.25 >>> 0.5-1.5 (based on charge duration)
- K'Sante can no longer change his direction after casting this spell
- While in All Out, now deals an additional 0-110% of its damage as true damage (based on charge time)
- All Out Damage Reduction: 60% >>> 75%
- No longer charges more quickly in All Out
- E - Footwork
- Cooldown: 10.5/10/9.5/8/8.5 >>> 10/9.5/9/8.5/8
- Now has a 50% reduced cooldown while All Out
- No longer grants increased range while All Out
- No longer resets K'Sante's basic attack
- No longer goes over walls while All Out
- Dash Speed: 900 >>> 500 (+ Movement Speed)
- Dash Speed to Ally: 1100 (+ Movement Speed) (unchanged)
- All Out Dash Speed: 900 >>> 950 (+ Movement Speed)
- All Out Dash Speed to Ally: 1100 (+ Movement Speed) >>> 1400 (+ Movement Speed)
- R - All Out
- Damage: 70/110/150 (+65% AP) magic damage >>> 80/115/150 physical damage
- Follow-up Damage: 70/110/150 (65% AP) magic damage >>> 80/115/150 (+5% bonus health) physical damage
- Duration: 20 >>> 15
- Attack Speed: 25/35/45% >>> 40/60/80%
- Now grants 50% bonus armor penetration
- Now grants 20% omnivamp
- No longer grants attack damage based on bonus resistances
- No longer grants healing equal to 10/15/20% damage dealt to champions
- Can no longer be reactivated to end early
- Will now properly reduce bonus resistances from Jak'Sho the Protean
Tristana has seen way too much action in mid.
- Base Stats
- Attack Range: 525 >>> 550
- Basic Attack Damage: 59 >>> 60
- Attack Damage Growth: 3.7 >>> 2.5
- Health Regen Growth: .65 >>> .5
- Armor Growth: 4.5 >>> 4
- Attack Speed Ratio: .679 >>> .694
- Passive - Draw a Bead
- Bonus Range: 0-136 >>> 0-125
- Q - Rapid Fire
- Attack Speed: 50/65/80/95/110% >>> 60/75/90/105/120%
- W - Rocket Jump
- Slow: 60% >>> 40%
- Slow Duration: 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds >>> 2 seconds
- Damage: 95/145/195/245/295 (+50% AP) >>> 70/105/140/175/210 (+75% Bonus AD) (+50% AP)
- E - Explosive Charge
- Passive Explosion Damage: 55/80/105/130/155 >>> 45/60/75/90/105
- Active Damage: 70/80/90/100/110 (+50/75/100/125/150% Bonus AD) (+50% AP) >>> 60/70/80/90/100 (+100/110/120/130/140% Bonus AD) (+50% AP)
- Critical Strike Modifier: Damage is multiplied by 1.0 - 1.33x based on critical strike chance (33% more damage at 100% critical strike chance) >>> Damage is multiplied by 1.0 - 2.15x based on critical strike chance and critical strike damage (75% more at 100% critical strike chance, 115% more damage at 100% crit chance and an Infinity Edge)
- R - Buster Shot
- Now stuns: 0.4/.55/.7 seconds
- Cooldown: 120/110/100>>> 100
- Damage: 300/400/500 >>> 275/325/375 (+70% Bonus AD)
Vladimir is getting nerfed to remove that pesky W max build you saw on TikTok.
- W - Sanguine Pool
- Healing is now 60% effective against minions
- Updated tooltip to clarify that healing is not mitigated by target resistances
Item changes in LoL 14.19
Lots of items are being changed. For starters, some components like Needlessly Large Rod plus epic items like Seeker's Armguard are getting small changes to their stats and cost.
Fighter items are being corralled into three main classes: skirmishers, divers, and juggernauts. A lot of items are being changed in accordance with this. Tank items are moving towards resists instead of HP.
Marksman items are also taking a hit, given their potency in the past few patches. Movement speed across the board has been lowered. Level scaling has been toned down a bit, too.
AD Assassin items mostly took a hit to Ability Haste.
Changes to AP items are more like the fighter ones. Each item is now good for a main statline that a mage needs: mana, durability, burst, and haste. Enchanter items move toward heal and shield power.
Check out the full list of changes on the official League of Legends 14.19 patch notes.
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