League of Legends gets new rank, removes promos system, and more

Nia Quinn

Nia Quinn

No more promos, a new ranked level, Clash changes, and more.

League of Legends developers announced a new update! Read on for details about the new League of Legends rank, Clash updates, and upcoming skins.

League of Legends gets new rank

Jeremy "Brightmoon" Lee and Andrei "Meddler" Van Roon announced some updates for the midseason in July 2023. These updates will include a new tier between Platinum and Diamond. This new tier will be Emerald so that the ranked distribution can be a wider spectrum without changing the ranks too drastically.

“Right now, the majority of ranked players are silver and below, with only a small proportion of the player base above Gold 4," Meddler said. "We think that distribution is too skewed towards the lower end of the spectrum."

The Emerald rank in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)
The Emerald rank in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Another new change coming to League of Legends as part of these updates will be the removal of the promos system. This is due to the success of removed promos from Wild Rift and the lack of them in Teamfight Tactics (TFT). According to Riot, another reason for this was the level of frustration for players.

Clash updates

There will be some short-term changes for players of Clash that are coming up as well. They will focus on three areas for players.

  1. Teams who forfeit the match after losing the first round
  2. Clash’s reliability
  3. Making Clash worth planning around

As such, the reward system will have some changes based on how many matches you win or lose. This will encourage folks to continue playing beyond the first round, thus improving the player experience for individuals whose opposing team may choose to forfeit after just one round.

Tournaments will change in terms of their timeline as well. Instead of being bi-weekly, they will be monthly, allowing players the opportunity to play more before a tournament. This means that the software and code will change to make Clash a reliable platform to play on. While these are purely short-term changes, there are long-term changes that are planned as well.

Teemo artwork (Image via Riot Games)
Teemo artwork (Image via Riot Games)

Wild Rift skins

Lee Sin and Teemo have both been waiting on some new updates, and Stephanie "100 pc nuggets" Leung, delivered news about it. Teemo will receive some new spell animations and some new facial expressions to modernize him. This will also be alongside an update to his lore, recalls, and voiceover. We’ll still be banning him.

For Lee Sin, the focus will be making his magical source of Dragon Spirit Magic more obvious in the game alongside modern sound effects and animations. These release will happen in 2024, with Lee Sin happening in the first half of 2024 and Teemo in the second half.

A League of Legends skin (Image via Riot Games)
A League of Legends skin (Image via Riot Games)

As for the Star Guardian skins coming from Wild Rift, Orianna and Seraphine will have their skins available in patch 13.13. Meanwhile, Senna will arrive in patch 13.14. If you were worried about Xayah and Rakan being forgotten in the midst of all of this – don’t be. They’ll be coming over near the end of 2023. Plus, as part of the 2023 summer event, Samira will receive an ultimate skin!

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