Is it enough to get him back to the top lane full-time? Probably not.
Darius' jungle build has taken over LoL of late, but the party is well and truly over with big damage nerfs on the way in Patch 25.6 next week.
LoL devs have cited that Darius has almost single-handedly changed the jungle meta over the past few patches, with his damage nerf one of several adjustments to jungle champions coming with Patch 25.6.
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The nerf to Darius' potency in the jungle will come with his passive Hemorrhage. LoL gameplay designer Matt "Phroxzon" Leung-Harrison shared the team's thoughts in the Patch 25.6 preview on March 12. He explained that the entire jungle meta had been rocked by the Hand of Noxus and his efficiency.
As a result, Riot is reducing the damage dealt by Darius' passive from 300% to 200%. This will significantly affect his super-fast early clear speed — something junglers have noted is his biggest benefit in the role.
"Darius Jungle has become a lot more popular recently, but also it's been secretly very powerful," Phroxzon said. "We're tapping him down there as a result — we're not looking to remove him from here."
Darius' win rate has skyrocketed in the jungle to an incredible 53.96% in high-ranked matches this patch, according to U.GG. At Emerald and above, he is the third-most popular champion picked in the jungle. His win rate has remained stable throughout the past few patches, but it wasn't until recently where Darius' status as a jungler's menace became more widespread.
His rise to power has seen other adjustments for champs in the role, too, all of which arrive on March 18 with Patch 25.6. Most of these are buffs, with the likes of Jarvan IV (bonus Q damage), Kha'Zix (boosts to passive and E), and Lillia (slight cooldown reduction on E) receiving some love from devs.
These jungle adjustments aren't the only thing coming with Patch 25.6. Naafiri's midscope update is set to arrive, and given she's received her own buffs designed to better her experience in the role, perhaps the title of top jungler won't be vacant for long.
For now, get your last games of Darius Jungle in — assuming he isn't banned!
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