Danny of Evil Geniuses, and formerly their bot-laner, has announced he will remain with EG as a content creator.

After months of speculation about him leaving the roster, Kyle "Danny’" Sakamaki took to Twitter to explain his departure from Evil Geniuses’ (EG) LCS roster. In a series of tweets on Feb. 28, the EG ADC attempted to set the record straight and announced he was joining EG's Creator Collective.

Who is EG Danny?

Danny is perhaps one of the best-known young talents of the LCS. Beginning pro play at just 17-years-old on the LCS stage, he was quickly recognized as a strong bot laner with brilliant skill and talent. That made him stand out from other rookies.

Evil Geniuses LCS 2022 - Image via RealDannyLoL Twitter
Evil Geniuses LCS 2022 - Image via RealDannyLoL Twitter

Within his first year on the LCS stage, Danny had already won several individual titles. Including being featured as part of the All-Pro Team decided by LCS fans, as well as having won the Rookie of the Year award.

When and why did he leave the LCS EG roster?

Danny was notably absent at Worlds 2022 when he did not appear on Evil Geniuses’ roster. The hiatus was put down to needing a break for mental well-being but nothing was set in stone. As such, many had expected him to return from his hiatus after Worlds.

"The pressure of being an esports pro has overwhelmed me"

EG Danny on his reasons for stepping down.

However, there was speculation surrounding Danny's departure prior to the statement he posted. Much of this speculation revolved around possible mistreatment by management of the young player. These speculations were formed following leaked comments from family members of Danny that fuelled allegations across social media.

As such, the CEO Nicole LaPointe Jameson was forced to address the allegations in a Twitter video. Despite this video, many fans remained skeptical on the matter.

There is now, seemingly confirmation from Danny himself directly that no mistreatment took place. In a tweet posted today on his Twitter, Danny stated "the pressure of esports has completely overwhelmed me to breaking point." LaPointe Jameson responded to the tweet seconds after it was posted.

What are Danny’s next steps?

Now age 19, Danny has explained that he will be moving away from pro play, though will remain with Evil Geniuses. While there was speculation prior to his statement about him stepping down and his next steps, this is the first .

Danny has explained that he will be a content creator and streamer for EG. To watch Danny’s streams head over to his Twitch – where we can assume he will be streaming in the future.

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