Counter Logic Gaming, the first blood kings have struck again. This time, with an innovative strategy that caught Jiizuke off-guard.

Counter Logic Gaming has set a new League of Legends record. The team used an innovative strategy to secure the first blood in record time against Evil Geniuses in the LCS. 

Counter Logic Gaming continues dominant first-blood run in LCS

CLG’s roster ran down the middle against Evil Geniuses as a five-man unit. An unsuspecting Daniele "Jiizuke" di Mauro was down the mid-lane on his Ryze. Andy "Smoothie" Ta landed his Nautilus’ Anchor Toss on the EG mid-laner and the five champions collapsed on Jiizuke to secure the first blood. Despite using his flash, Jiizuke could not get away in time handing CLG the first blood in a record 34 seconds into the game. 

It was an efficient kill and the first blood went to CLG’s top-laner, Finn "Finn" Wiestål. Unfortunately, it was not enough to hand CLG the victory. After losing the first blood, Jiizuke came back with a vengeance. The EG mid-laner finished the game with a 10/6/11 score, including his first blood death. 

CLG securing the first blood against Evil Geniuses was no surprise for League of Legends fans. The team has played eighteen matches this season and secured the first blood in sixteen of them. Some fans also call CLG the ‘first blood kings’ and CLG has once again proved its worth in the early game.

CLG bows out of the Spring Split with a bang

CLG will not move forward in the Spring Split. It was the second team to be mathematically eliminated from the tournament after Golden Guardians earlier this season. But League of Legends fans will remember the five-man mid-move for quite some time. CLG’s innovative early-game plays have not only been entertaining but in some cases decisive for the team in the grand scheme of things. 

CLG has had a troubled start to 2021 with visa issues affecting the final starting roster. The playing roster has had a focus on the early game and the team’s stellar first-blood record is proof of its success. Towards the latter half of the season, CLG started showing progress in other aspects of the game than just the early-game. It looks promising for CLG and fans will be eagerly awaiting the team’s performance in the upcoming Summer Split.