Celebrate the return of Hextech Chests with these LoL custom skins

XC Enriquez

XC Enriquez

Hextech Chest Mordekaiser might be better than the Exalted Sahn-Uzal skin.

Have you heard? Riot Games is bringing back Hextech Chests to League of Legends! What's a better way to celebrate this than by bringing the Chests themselves to your LoL games with custom skins? Check out our picks of the best Hextech Chest-themed LoL custom skins.

Here's a detailed guide on how to start using custom skins in LoL.

Hextech Chest custom LoL skins

Here's our pick of the top five best Hextech Chest custom skins.


This Hextech Gragas custom skin by user konradosj is simple. It replaces Gragas' base model to the Hextech Chests, and his barrels are now Gragas models in T-pose.

Unfortunately, updates seem to have broken the textures on the skin. So now, instead of a genuine Hextech Chest, you look like you're playing as a cube-shaped Gragas.


Hextech Chest Malphite by user Snorr is what a chest would look like if it had Malphite's limbs and a chest for a head.

This custom skin quite accurately retains Malphite's original hitbox, so no surprising shenanigans should occur if you're trying to dodge skillshots.

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The quality and effort put into this Hextech Chest Mordekaiser skin is unreal. The skin itself is creative and looks quite cool (as cool as a man clad in Hextech Chests could be), but there is even a full custom voiceover with over 10 minutes of voice lines made specifically for this skin.

On top of the character model, a lot of Mordekaiser's assets have also been changed. Here's a clear look at what the Death Realm looks like

His ability icons and small things like passive particles have been given to truly make this custom skin feel cohesive. It's impressive how much thought and effort Snorr put into this skin. Honestly, if you pick this over Sahn-Uzal Mordekaiser, I wouldn't even blame you - this is probably the best skin on this list.


Teemo, League's furry demon friend, also got a Hextech Chest-themed skin, courtesy of Snorr.

This skin is also simple; apart from Teemo himself, the model that got the biggest change is the mushrooms. They are now Hextech Chests - watch out!


Gangplank will now shoot Hextech Chests instead of barrels. Will this make your combos easier or more difficult? Time for you to find out.

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