Caedrel, Los Ratones are permabanning toxic chatters

XC Enriquez

XC Enriquez

Caedrel is encouraging the rats to snitch on toxic behavior.

Los Ratones and its creator and coach, Marc Robert "Caedrel" Lamont, are being praised for how they handle toxicity in their fanbase. League of Legends is not new to negative and harmful comments, but LR's tight leash on the behavior is one that was warranted by its community due to its sheer size.

Los Ratones to permaban toxic chat-hoppers

Babkis, Caedrel's moderator, posted the announcement on Reddit.

Jumping into the chats of other teams' and players' streams and spreading toxicity there is and will not be tolerated. We will be reaching out to the mods of LR's opponents during each scrims block and we will be sharing lists of chatters who decide to go there and spread negativity, hate or any toxicity. Doing so will lead to instant and permanent bans in Caedrel's chat and the chats of the other LR boys as well.

Caedrel moderator u/C9Babkis on r/PedroPeepos

He's thankful that the majority of the LR fanbase has been supportive and appreciative of both their team and the enemy teams, but the growing community will inevitably have some bad actors pop up. Babkis also encouraged other fans to reach out to any of the moderators if they spotted a chatter spreading negativity.

The team in the NLC Finals (Photo via Los Ratones)
The team in the NLC Finals (Photo via Los Ratones)

Most community members replying to the post were in agreement that this is a step in the right direction for Los Ratones. One Redditor wrote, "One of the few times snitching will be tolerated."

The toxicity is affecting the team significantly. Muhammed "Agurin" Kocak and Lucas "Santorin" Tao Kilmer Larsen, in particular, have both been the recipient of negative chat-hoppers. This may turn away potential scrim partners for Los Ratones if they don't want to put themselves in the crosshairs of toxic behavior from the "rats."

To this, Caedrel says, "There's no place for those people in the Los Ratones fanbase at all." He added that he and the moderators will try their best to rein in the fanbase and formally apologized to players, streamers, and orgs who played or interacted with LR and were on the receiving end of the toxicity.

Los Ratones recently won the Northern League of Legends Championship (NLC) to qualify for the EU Masters, beginning mid-March.

The League community reacts to LR banhammer

Caedrel pointed out the toxicity and their management's handling of it in his stream, but LTA caster Clayton "CaptainFlowers" Raines took to X (fka Twitter) to laud their efforts.

"Caedrel is who should've been in charge of lolesports man. Handling things in a way that supports fandom and removes brain rot," CaptainFlowers wrote. "Building an authentic community. Always a class act @Caedrel."

On X, the reactions to this were more divided. Nevertheless, any crackdown against toxicity is something that the LoL community could use.

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